Ch. 18

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Elianas pov

The storm outside scares me. I don't like loud noises, they all scare me. The light through my window also scares me. I don't like it.

I clutch my stuffed puppy as I climb out of my bed and stand in the middle of my room. I hear the rain fall harder. My heart races faster than before.

Don't go to mommy, she's mad today. She's going to hurt you. Nice mommy isn't here.

I timidly walk to mommy's bedroom down the hall with my puppy for comfort. Mommy doesn't like when I wake her up. She always gets mad. But I'm scared and sometimes when nice mommy is here then she cuddles with me. But only mean mommy has been here.

It takes all I have to get passed the fear of opening the door. As soon as I do, I smell the yucky smell. It's the nasty stuff mommy drinks and makes mean mommy come.

I slowly walk into mommy's room and I hold my puppy tight against my chest. I stay extremely quiet not wanting to get hurt. Mommy hurts me when mean mommy is here. It hurts.

I tap her arm as I shake in fear from the outside. I wish nice mommy was here. She would already be cuddling with me.

As mommy's eyes open I watch anger immediately flash in them, "What the fuck are you doing out of bed?!"

I flinch hearing her yell, "I'm scared mommy. It's scary outside." I whimper.

"Scary? It is not fucking scary you little wimp. Get the fuck out of here and back to your bed before I give you something to be scared about." She growls.

I look at her in tears as my lip quivers, I don't like mean mommy.

"Are your fucking crying?!" She yells.

I freeze in fear. She's going to hurt me.

She sits up in her bed and I watch her hand raise from the light of a lightening strike. However the light quickly leaves and I don't see the hand move. All I feel is a burn in my cheek and my favorite stuffed animal snatched from my arms.

"I'LL GIVE YOU SOMETHING TO CRY ABOUT!" She screams before hitting me with so much forces I tumble to the ground.

My tiny body aches immediately but I refuse to let the cries be heard. I know I can't. I'll only get hurt more.

I stay on the floor as I watch my favorite stuffed animal become decapitated in front of me. The only thing left of my father has been ruined by my evil mother. My 3 year old heart has never hurt so much more. Nothings hurt more than watching the one thing daddy left for me become nothing by my evil mommy.

"Get the fuck in bed you fucking regret. I don't want to see you or hear you. Is that fucking understood?" She growls.

I nod and quickly move out of her room. I close the door behind me before going back to my bedroom. I grab all my blankets and rush into my closet where all the tears flow.

The only thing offering me comforts is the tiny room I've put myself in and the voice named Lilly in my head.

I feel someone shake me and I jolt awake and jump to the back of my wall. My heart races and as I blink, I feel the tears in my face.

"Are you ok Eliana? I heard you crying and you seemed to be having a nightmare. Do you want to talk about it?" She asks.

I sit frozen against the wall my beds pushed against as breathing becomes a difficult task to do. Why is she in here? I want her out of here.

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