Ch. 17

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Elianas pov

Tomorrow marks the day my mom comes home and she's forced me to go back home today despite her not even being there. I haven't been feeling any better with my new meds and I just nose dived even further today.

"Ella, can I talk to Victoria alone for a few moments? Can you maybe go to your room for a little bit?" Wilmer asks.

I get off the couch and happily walk to my room and having the ability to get away from Victoria. After all, he did tell me to get away from her basically. So I'm more than happy to follow this request.

Wilmers pov

I sit on the couch that Eliana moves from and sit across from Victoria, "The last 4 weeks have been up and down and there's a few things that I have to tell you as I'm not allowed to fell Demi despite it being about Eliana." I say.

"I don't know if I can just not tell her something if it effects her daughter. She's her mother, not me." Victoria says.

"One thing Jordyn told me Demi can't know, the other I'm telling you Demi absolutely can not know. But I'll start with what jordyns told me to tell you instead of Demi." I say.

"Eliana is calorie checking things right now and it's been something I've had to continue to stop her from doing. Jordyn doesn't feel like she has an eating disorder right now, but we both fear that it is likely to turn into that if she continues to calorie check everything. So if you catch her checking the nutrition fact labels you have to call her out on it. Jordyn said it's not a good idea to tell her mom due to the fact Demi does have an eating disorder. Her knowing Eliana is calorie checking may trigger Demi to be competitive and fall into relapse with the eating disorder. Demi won't be helping Eliana, she'll just be trying to outdo Eliana. Which is why Jordyn asked me to tell you. Because she said that you do a lot of the parenting to begin with through Demi, so she has faith you'll be able to silently call Eliana out on something without Demi knowing." I say.

"I had a feeling she was doing that when she was looking at labels but I didn't think it was my place to find out if Demi didn't care. But I'll be sure to continue to get onto her, that's a habit she definitely needs to break before it evolves into something awful. Sometimes I question why she does things when she sees how it's effected her mom, but I forget she's only 12 sometimes. She's extremely smart but no child really considers the consequences of something before they do it, she's no different." Victoria says.

"She's had to mature at a very young age and that's what I need to talk to you about." I say.

"Which is the second thing I have to hide from her mother?" Victoria asks.

"The topic is something her mom already knows, it's the fact that it's effecting Eliana now that she doesn't know." I say.

She gives a slow nod, "Ok."

"Elianas nightmares have been progressively getting worse and I do believe it's because she is fearful of tomorrow when her mom comes home. Demi used to abuse Eliana. The things she said, the things she did, and the things Eliana had to go through is beyond the point of awful. It's mortifying. It's hard to imagine her doing that now, but when she was under the haze of drugs and alcohol, that's exactly what she did. She level of hate she had for Eliana under that haze was absolutely horrifying. I'd walk in to see Eliana hiding in her closet shaking from pain and there be bruises and blood all over her body. I've seen Demi hurt her, I've heard Demi hurt her, and this is why Eliana is so scared of Demi and has so much distrust. Because Eliana was abused by her. This is why Eliana has so much anxiety and flinches when you even raise a hand. If you hear her screaming or crying just go comfort her. Even if she's pushing you away comfort her. Because eventually she's going to get used to that and stop fighting you and will let you help her. But she needs someone to trust when she goes home and it won't be her mom." I say.

"This is what her nightmares are always about?" Victoria asks.

"Not always, but the recent ones, yes." I say.

"I'll do my best to help her and make sure demi doesn't. That explains a lot of Elianas behavior when Demi's around after a nightmare. Or even just in general when Demi yells at her."

"I wish I could go into detail, but that's not my story to tell, it's Elianas and Eliana wouldn't be ok with me talking about it. Demi would have me killed if she found out I even told you this. So I ask that you not bring it up at all." I say.

"I understand, I won't. I'll make sure to stop her when she calorie checks things and watch her to make sure she doesn't fall into an eating disorder. If she has a nightmare I'll help as much as I can without upsetting her further and I'll continue to do that. I'll do my best to keep Demi away from her until she's calmed down and not cause elianas fear to rise." She says.

I don't feel content with the idea of Eliana going home at all. Not when she's this scared of Demi. But I have no right to Eliana. She's biologically not my daughter, Demi has full custody of her as that is her daughter. I hate that it's this way. I was a steady figure in Elianas life for 6 years, yet all I get is an occasional visit only when Demi has no where else for Eliana to go.

Elianas pov

It feels like hours before Victoria and Wilmer walk time my room, "Alright Eliana, are you ready?" Victoria asks.

"Not even the slightest bit, but it's not like I have a choice to do anything but leave to begin with." I mutter.

I grab my suitcase and look around the room to double check I have everything. When I see that I do, I walk out of the room. They follow behind me and I stop at the front door and give Wilmer a hug, "Thank you for everything. You're the best, I love you." I whisper.

This is where goodbyes are hard and hurt. I hate saying goodbye to him. I never know when the next time I'll see him will be. But I love him so much it's just painful to have to leave him. I've never felt this with my mom.

"I love you too and I'll be a phone call away. I'll see you soon, with your moms work schedule picking up, you're gonna need somewhere to go right?" He asks.

My eyes water as he releases from the hug, "Aw don't cry Ella. You're gonna me me cry." He sighs.

I give a small nod and wipe the tears about to form before giving him one last hug, "I promise I'll see you soon." He says.

"Don't make a promise you can't keep." I whisper.

He kisses the top of my head before I release from the hug, "Do you have everything Eliana?" Victoria asks.


With that she gets my suitcase and leads the way out of the house. I follow behind her feeling my depression worsen. I'm officially going back home to hell.

Victoria puts my suitcase in the backseat and I get in the backseat with it not wanting to be up in the front seat with her.

"Did you have a good time?" She asks.

Did until now.


"It looked like it, I saw your tiktoks with all the cast Wilmer works with and with him. You seemed to be having fun in them." She says.


My mom would never film a tiktok with me, ever. Bonding with me is something she could care less to do. That's just a Wilmer thing to do, he's the only one who has ever bothered to try and parent and be a proper parent to me. He's the only person who's bothered to try and bond with me. He'll be the only person to continue to do that. Because my mom won't. I doubt the relationship with Victoria will last long enough for Victoria to even attempt to.

I hide my face in the car window and let out a deep breath. My life's about to go back to shit again and I am in no way prepared to deal with it. There's not enough preparation I could do to get myself ready to deal with it.

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