Ch. 10

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Elianas pov

I feel someone lightly shake me but I'm too far tired to wake up, "Come on Ella, I've got to work today. Please get up for me."

I open my eyes slowly and see Wilmer standing in front of me already dressed, "I know you're tired kiddo, I'm sorry. It's an early shoot."

Yeah, it's too early. It's actually dark outside right now. I haven't woken up this early in literally forever. Since my mom was on tour really.

I let out a tired yawn and sit up in my bed as Wilmer sits at the end of it, "I also need you to text your mom today. She just about killed me over the phone last night." He says.

"Ok." I say.

I won't rush to text her, but I'll text her at some point. The last thing I want is for her to be so mad at him she refuses to let me stay over here anymore. So yeah, I'll be sure to text her.

"Can you get dressed so you can eat breakfast and I get to work?" He asks.

"Uh Huh."

"Thank you Eliana." He says before walking out of my room.

Half asleep, I walk to my closet and just grab something comfortable. Because when I'm this tried, you can't seriously expect me to put effort into my outfit or appearance right? I hope you aren't.

I grab a pair of black yoga pants and a sweat shirt and get changed and then put my vans on. Once I'm changed I walk to my nightstand and grab my phone off the charger before heading to the kitchen, "Do you want pancakes or waffles this morning?" He asks.

"I'm not even the slightest bit hungry. It's far to early for my body to actually say food right now. It's wanting sleep." I say.

He turns my head to me, "Do you think you can make it til lunch without any food?" He asks unsure.

"Without a doubt."

It's what I do everyday. I just don't eat breakfast. It's my least favorite meal of the day. I'm sorry, but there's really nothing good to eat for breakfast. Hate me all you want for saying that, but breakfast has the worst food.

"Alright, we'll, if your mom asks, you had pancakes." He warns.

"Got it." I say.

He grabs his car keys off the kitchen bar and points to the front door. I get the hint and follow him out. As he locks the front door, I get in the passengers seat and look down at my phone. My entire lock screen is just filled with texts from my mom.

New York is ahead by a few hours so I decide to just give FaceTime a try. I'm not in the mood to text and I'm really just wanting to get this FaceTime thing over and done with. If I don't, I'll be dreading it all day long.

Wilmer gets into the car just as it connects and I look at my phone to see my mom in full make up and already dressed. Can I say I'm surprised? No.

"I heard you went to sleep pretty early last night." Mom says.


"Did you sleep ok last night?"


"What are you gonna do today?" She asks.

"Pap-da-Wilmer, has work today. So just behave myself on set and once we get home I'll do school and eat then go to sleep."

Gah I hate when I do that. It's just a natural thing to call him papá or dad but he's neither. He's just my moms ex boyfriend. I don't even think they are close enough to call one another friends really.

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