chapter 60

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I was stood in the middle of a dark yet crowded room. I was wearing my normal clothes. Normal clothes being a shirt, tie, blazer and smart trousers. This was not what I had expected when they said tirals , nor did I expect for it to be this quickly prepared. After what happened at the old house yesterday, I took Maddox back to his home. It had been rather emotional and relaxign saying goodbye to him on his door step. That was until his mother opened the door and gave me a large hug. Apparently she had been watching from out the living room window for us and she saw our intwined hands. I am pretty sure my cheeks still retained a little bit of the blush from that experience a full dy later.

The room looked like a lecture room , except make it one hundred times bigger and one thousand times mroe intense. Alviva stood at the front in some sort of box, her hair was frizzy and her eyes were wild. Her hands and feet were bound by a thick black rope that looked to almost slither on her wrists and ankles. Emily stood at what seemed to be a sort of podium along with an elderly man . He had shoulder length gray hair and he seemed to have an air of autority . This man was the judge who decided Alviva's fate .

Amity and Alaric were on the row below us. Amity was wearing a formal black dress and Alaric was wearing hsi smartest hoodie and jeans. They did look rather out of place here . Their pressence was just as important as my own, perhaps even mroe so. I am assuming that we are playing as evidance in this whole debate, I'm not sure if we would be enough in the whole scheme of things. Sure she cursed two humans and that's against their beliefs but i'm not sure how serious that is as a crime.

Though I didn't want him to be here, Maddox sat beside me. Honestly I was happy that he was here, it was comforting . What I did not want was for him to get panicked or overwhelmed by the situation. Though he seemed to be doing rather the opposite. He was looking eagerly around the place as he was surrounded by witches. He kept asking people , of course when we were outside and before the actual meeting, what kind of jewellry they were wearing or what perfume they had on . Maddox had hardly stopped speaking about different spells that he had learnt from Emily's book. I didn't mind what so ever, he was happy and enjoyed telling em about them and I enjoyed listening to him talk.

At the moment Maddox was sat next to me and we had our hands linked once again. My hair was tied back from my face and i really wanted to reach up and mess with it, Maddox could tell. Every few minutes his thinb would rub my handcomfortingly as he listened on with eager ears. We were surrounded by many witches in smart attire to fit their occupation . This was very much like a normal court room ...except add an air of magic.

"Miss Alviva, you have been charged with several accounts of going against the natural laws of nature for personal gain. what do you have to say for yourself?" the judge interrogated with a very stern stare, I would honestly be quaking if i was in Alviva's position. I culd feel his power from where I was sat and it made me want to shrink down in my seat and not be noticed. Contrary to my reaction, Maddox leaned forward with interest and wide eyes, I don't really blame him though...he probably couldn't see a thing that was happening.

Alviva tipped her ehad to the side, though her trembling shoulders did show that infact she was scared of the man before her. "I did nothing agaisnt the laws , I just bended them for my benefit..." She snarkly replied in a somewhat trembling voice. Even though she was acting very brave , her body language was giving away exactly what was going through her head. She was scared of what the end result would be.

The judge cleared hsi throat before a stack of papers started to float his way before he grabbed the first one. "It says here ma'am that you not only used your magic to lure humans to do your bidding but you caused extreme or fatal harm to some. Not incuding cursing a fair few, two of them being here today. How does this support your claims of innosence?" I was rather scared to hear the fact that Alviva had harmed mroe people then just myself and Alaric. Althught that should not have been at all surprising. If i consider what I had witnessed her doing to wilfred at such a young age ....She could have done plenty of things that I would not know about.

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