chapter 11

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The scene was all too familiar, being in this room with Maddox was comforting yes. but we had been here before. I liked the room it even though there was plenty of room we were sat right beside each other. I hadn't thought about the fact that I didn't ask to accompany Maddox, Nor did he ask fi I wanted to join him. We just felt comfortable being with each other. As I stated we were next to each other and he was on his laptop, since the lesson had been cancelled and he put effort into getting everything sorted he just closed the lid before we left the class, so it was ready to use as soon as we got in the room. The small talk between us wasn't of anything interesting such as the weather that we were having, the taxi driver he had this morning and what he had done over the rest of the weekend. Which was simply put down to reading, drawing and sleeping. I decided to put some random music on the computer which caught his attention.

His head turned to look at me with a large smile "I really like that song! do you listen to that kind of music a lot?" I gave a small smile and turned to him "my music test varies a lot, but i'm glad you like it, this is one of my current favourites." I was honestly surprised that he liked it, the song was a celtic tune that I've had stuck in my head for a long while and I had to listen to it to get the song out of my head. "Yes I love this kind of music , I've seen a band like that live before in concert, it was really good. Though I had the life scared right outta me when the bagpipes started playing behind me!" we were both laughing at this point "and- and I didn't even know that he was there! cause we were on the side and I was looking right at the stage so I didn't notice at all!" Its at times like these where people don't actually bothered me, but Maddox isn't what I would necessarily consider 'people' .

"No way, that is quite the humorous tale, I enjoy the sound of the bagpipes in person but Once at a concert I nearly had my ear-drums blown out by the music! I hadn't expected it to be so loud, I had to get some of those special noise cancelling headphones, it's a really good thing I got there early for the sound check." Maddox was laughing at me now and I realized that it was a genuine laugh, I hadn't heard him laugh so heartily before. It made my heart flutter knowing that I was the cause of it.

This led to us talking a lot during the hours which we had spare, he had his packed lunch and we had a small trip downstairs to the café , I hadn't brought any food for myself this morning and so I grabbed a sandwich as Maddox grabbed a mocha, which was apparently the only coffee that he would happily consume. When we got back to the room we just continued to talk, I found out that Maddox liked to answer questions and his best subject was himself, which is normal as people usually know themselves better then a specific topic. He walked me through some of his photos on Facebook, pointing out the different members of his family and talking about the different stories attributed to the pictures, I must say eh looked adorable holding a baby chick and his Halloween costumes were fantastic. I didn't tel him much about myself, he knows that I live in my own house and that I do not live with anyone , of course he knows my hobbies and interests -reading and reading and music and children's television shows- but I didn't give too much away.

fortunately our time had to come to an end and we had another class to go to Which I hoped would go by quickly, Luke had came back to the room to collect Maddox -I know that sounds funny but Honestly it was like putting something somewhere and collecting it when you need it- and we walked to the lesson. I continued my actions of making sure that Maddox kept track of the lesson dn I was right that he was using the notebook in class. About halfway through he nudged me and pointed to his book , there was an almost blank page with the word 'okay' on the top and ten lines . I didn't need to think too hard about the meaning of that. I had noticed it to, okay seemed to be this teachers favourite word . I gave a small laugh so that we didn't alert the teacher and a thumbs up , well I gently grasped his hand and moulded it into a thumbs up, just in case he couldn't see what my hand was doing.

When the class was finished , Maddox had told luke that he was free to go, that confused me but I shrugged it off , He didn't seem much like a fan of luke, though I doubted that Luke had spoken much to him. Saying goodbye to Maddox was quick, it seemed that the taxi company were really stepping up their game this time. Maddox greeted the person happily, calling him by the his name , I remembered Maddox telling me about him , he had picked him up this morning and asked what time he needed picking up. Apparently they had a wonderful conversation about Spanish and crystals .I took the friendly greeting as a good sign , we had arranged to talk a bit more on messenger this evening , I was glad that my life was busy once again.

Unfortunately when I arrived home I was greeted with a less-then-welcome presence . My jaw clenched and my eyes narrowed . I could smell the sickly scent of roses mixed with jasmine. I entered my house and put my bag down as normal, I kept my shoes on just in case and headed to my living room where a women stood whom I had hoped to never see again. This woman was the literal bane of my existence.

She has very long and very straight black hair, her eyes are a cruel gray colour which showed no emotion other then hatred or loathing or amusement at others pain. She was tall and slender and wore an elegant red dress , I presume to look like the blood of her enemies or the innocent which she bates in every night. She was as pale as a ghost, that's practically what she was a ghost, a memory of something which was once living and loved yet withered away quickly only leaving some remains behind in the form of memories and hatred. She looked to be in her early twenties , the magic of youth still surrounding her but she definitely was no twenty-year-old , as I had known her since my youth.

"hello Chester." she grinned evilly "Have you missed me?"

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