chapter 20

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I was very quick going home and getting changed. It was about half an hour later when I got to Maddox and I's room about ten minutes into our break. I was looking in the window and I saw a very talkative Amity and a very terrified looking Maddox, he looked like he had been crying a little bit which made my heart want to jump out of my chest , grow arms and hug him. I couldn't stand the sight for very long as I opened the door and quickly stepped in.

It seemed like Amity was comforting Maddox about something as I entered almost hurriedly "Hello!" I joyfully and uncharacteristically exclaimed . Amity froze in her spot and went about as white as a ghost, whilst Maddox plastered a big smile to his face and leaped into my arms for a hug. I nearly stumbled back with wide eyes before wrapping my arms around him securely, I narrowed my eyes at Amity, wondering why Maddox was so upset and hug-y.

"Ches! I'm so glad you're here , luke didn't turn up again and I-" he started to choke up a bit as his emotions began to overwhelm him. I smiled at him sympathetically and replied "Don't worry Maddox, I will help you today , I am sorry that I am so late, I lost my phone and didn't realize the time, I didn't want to interrupt the lesson an hour in" We had gotten out of the hug but he was holding my hand tightly.

"Um...I'm just gonna ...go" started Amity with seething anger behind her eyes, I wished Alaric the best of luck when dealing with her "It was nice getting to know you Maddox, see you later Chester." she was gone before Maddox could utter a quiet goodbye . We sat down at our respective seats just discussing what happened in the lecture, I could still see a hint of black from the other side of the door through the window. I decided to be a bit tactical here.

I got a piece of paper out of my book and started to poke holes in it , It wouldn't be the best but it would be readable, for maddox anyway. Over the years I have learnt quite a few interesting things, one of which being braille. Maddox had told me that he knew the alphabet so I wrote "can you come to mine tonight?" in braille on the piece of paper by poking holes into it . I slid the note over to Maddox before asking "Do you want to go to the bookstore with me tomorrow?"

He looked at the paper for a moment before furrowing his eyebrows and touching it, he seemed to recognise the pattern of braille and to my relief he said "yes" as he pointed to the paper , though I didn't actually know if he said yes to the bookstore as well, I will probably discuss it with him tonight . "Awesome, I know you haven't looked around the entire place properly and i think you will enjoy this whole new section." which I wasn't joking about, he hadn't seen the garden of my house and I think that he would really enjoy it.

"I look forward to it!" was the simple answer that I received from Maddox, but the interested glint in his eye made me understand that he was very interested in why I didn't ask him the question out loud or even messaged him . I knew that Amity was eavesdropping so I tried to be as discreet as possible. This would make her think that I was planning to make a move tomorrow. I don't know what move I'm going to make but I will make it tonight.

Tonight came too soon, I didn't know what I was going to say to Maddox though I was thinking about what Alaric said, he wants me to tell Maddox about the curse. I knew that if i had any hope of getting this curse released then Maddox would need to be a part of it, I honestly didn't want to tell him anything, If I tell him then perhaps eh would feel like i was forcing him to be with me and I didn't want that , of course I didn't want that.

I had to pick Maddox up from his house, which i didn't mind what so ever. It meant more time with him. This time I was a lot more aware of my surroundings having learnt from my mistakes . Maddox had his phone on and we were listening to music on the way there , Occasionally doing stupid dances when we knew that nobody was watching us. When we got to the front door I stopped maddox with a smile . "What?" he asked me innocently as I started to tug him around the back of the house.

I had seen maddox look out of the windows inside the house at my garden, though I couldn't tell how much of it he could see, so I decided to give him a small tour. My garden was one of my pride and joy's and considering it was the summer it was nice, bright and blooming. The garden was rather large, with a patio and flowerbeds all neatly lined. I had a nice little stone path going around and a few chairs on the opposite side with a firepit which i have never actually used.

Maddox and I walked all around the garden, looking at the different flowers and I told him all that I knew about the plants before we sat down in a swinging chair , Maddox almost instinctively leaning on me. I decided that now would be a better time then ever to start the dreaded conversation

"Maddox?" I asked carefully, I didn't know how this conversation was going to go and I had to prepare myself to fail miserably and lose him forever because he will probably think that I am crazy and will never want to be around me ever again. "yes ches?" he replied with the cutest smile and the gleam in his eyes was so chester you need to talk, not think about how close you two are.

I sighed before I admitted "I've got to tell you something and I don't know how you'll react." Which seemed to tell Maddox how serious the situation is as his face suddenly reflected that feature, seriousness. "Chester you can tell me anything, I don't know how i'll react either ! " I smiled fondly at his attempt to brighten the mood.

"Do you believe in...curses? or witches?" Stupid! you could have lead up to that chester! now he thinks you're weird talking about magic and witches and curses and all that. Maddox seemed to be taking it seriously though "hmm well I know that witchcraft is somewhat of a religion of sorts, I am not too well-informed, and I believe with enough negative energy someone may be cursed so I would say that I do."

I admit I wasn't expecting that response, I had seen him play with crystals and talk about crystals , heck i even saw a book about witchcraft in his room but didn't think about it much until now. of course there was always the possibility that he didn't believe in those things and he just had them for the sake of having them but I would have been a lot less nervous if i had remembered.

"Okay, would you believe me if i told you that there was a curse on me?" I was still going for the blunt questions wasn't I ? oh well the last one worked out well . "No." Maddox said short and simply , I stayed silent to give him some time to thin over it but he continued after a moment with "no , i simply do not see what you could have done to someone in order for them to curse you, you are kind and loving and I don't think there is someone capable of hating you." the fact that he said I was loving made me laugh. As in actual fact it was my lack of love which caused me to get cursed in the first place.

"Did amity seem strange to you today?" there you go Chester, the question that you should have asked in the first place. He seemed to hum in thought "yes actually, I mean she actually talked to me which was strange in and of itself but she seemed to be talking me out of something....she seemed to be talking me out of seeing you....oh my gosh you are cursed! and she has something to do with it! she seemed so insistent that you weren't coming back to university and that I should give up on you!...but I wouldn't , I wouldn't give up hope that you would call or text or come to uni."

I wrapped my arm around his shoulder in an attempt to comfort or console him. "It's okay maddox, it's nothing dangerous or scary."...yet ,though I didn't mention that part . "I just really need to explain things to you" Which I did , he sat there in silence listening to me explain my life story , how i became curse and what the curse entailed . I said it how it was and how i saw it. I told him that i was cursed to fall in love and to never be able to see the love through till the end .I told him my theories about how the curse would be lifted , it was his next line of dialogue which made my heart stop , freeze, melt and freeze again.

"But Chester, if it takes someone being in love with you then the curse should already be broken shouldn't it? "

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