chapter 59

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I was frozen in shock from the sudden change in surroundings and i didn't find it very easy to process what had just been said . "I'm sorry you're sorry for what?" I asked Emily as i followed her carefully around the room. She was picking her stuff up as though she was getting ready to leave. I was certain that she was sorry for the fact that we had to leave the memory that early or that we didn't go to the place that she was expecting us to go . Thugh the sinister and depressed tone of her voice made me think twice about what she was apologising for.

She stopped what she was doing before looking at me and Maddox, who looked just as confused as I, before she stated "Look usually witches are driven by something to curse people, it seems that this curse that she placed on you and Alaric had no reasoning behind it." She nodded to Alaric when he was mentioned before she continued to pick up some things. "I....I told you that Alviva had no idea what she was doing. It is somewhat frowned upon to have cursed you like she did. She'll be taken for trial, though i'm sorry because..." She paused, whether it was for dramatic effect or if she found it hard to say I don't know but it was filling me with nerves "there is no way to break your just have it out."

It seemed as though the world had stopped. Seven hundred years....I had lived for seven hundred years in hope that iw ould find a way to break the curse. This whole thing has been for nothing... I paced back and forth having let go of Maddox's hand . I was pulling at my hair and trying to process what was happening. I was somewhat filled with self-pity and pity for Alaric but my anger was causing me to not think rationally.

"Chester-" Alaric tried to calm me down once again but i pushed his hand away . Honestly i jsut needed and wanted to calm down but the thaughts were running through my head at one hundred miles an hour. I didn't make a sound as i contineud to pace whilst Alaric, Amity and Maddox just watched. It took a few seconds for Maddox to try , though i was only paying half attention to this . It only fully processed when i bumped into him. I had to look down in order to look at his face as we were so close.

The look in his eyes made me stop and think about my options. I could keep pacing in the same room as my enemy who is about to go on trial for all the torment that she has put me through . Or well the spell that went against nature. Or i could accept my fate and try to remove the curse naturally, by living through it...maybe the magic council thing will have something that could help? Though as i was looking into Maddox's eyes I realized what I wanted. I wanted to spend as much time as i can with him.

"Ches please-" Maddox tried to start but was interrupted, this time i didn't push him away . I pulled him closer to me and kissed him passionatly. I felt like all of my emotions and feelings were once again completely understood by Maddox in this moment. He knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with him and that we just ...needed to take this one day at a time, one step at a time. I pulled back from Maddox with a smile and i pressed our foreheads together. The happiness in his eyes was enough to tell me that I had made the right choice.

I could hear fake disgusted noises come from the side of us , I tried my best to ignore it as i whispered "I love you Maddox, I want to spend eternity with you..." I saw the tears well in his eyes as he smiled lovingly at me. I think that Amity and Alaric knew that we were ignoring them and went to the other side of the room , or upstairs, or outside, I wasn't really paying attention.

Maddox wrapped his arms around my neck and said lovingly "I would love to be your eternity, you have made me see thigns that I have never seen before. you have helped me see the importance of friendshipa nd love. things that I never thought that i would truly experience." He leant up on his tippy toes and leanted in for another kiss whcih was filled with love.

When we pulled back and came to reality I noticed that Alviva was gone and that the door was open. I suppose that Alaric and Amity were outside. I walked hand in hand with Maddox to the outside world where i saw two heads of blonde stood by my car. Well when I say stood. They were having a deep kiss agaisnt hte hood of my car. Once I saw this i stopped almsot imemdiatly , i wwanted to turn back around. Though it only seemed fair that after they saw me and Maddox kiss that I should have that pleasure.

Of course I am completely joking, I turned to maddox and started talking about the clouds and the golden veil thing. I did not miss the amused smile on his face. We waited a few moments until Amity and Alaric were finished having their moment. By the tiem they were finished Maddox and I were sat on a bench just outside the door.

"You two stopped your make out session that soon?" Amity asked as she walked towards us, hand in hand with Alaric. Alaric seemed extremely surprised and in a daze as he stumbled over. I turned to face them with my eyebrow raised and a smile on my own face. I could tell that i was blushing. Maddox laughed very hard in response, he was holding his stomach due to the laughter.

"you are one to talk" I replied cheekily which caused Maddox to laugh even harder . Amity punched my arm as she sat on the arm of the bench "So...whilst i was in my fit of rage and emotions ...did i miss anything?" I asked Amity and Alaric, i didn't miss the fact that Emily and Alviva weren't here anymore . There had to be something else that i was missing, it can't ...just be all over now . According to all the books that I have read , characters need closure. This has been nothing like any of the books that I have read though , it's not exactl a fairytale ending.

I seemed to ahve dimmed the cheerful mood as Amity sighed and her shoulders sagged "Mother is going to go on the way i wouldn't be surprised if you are called by the council to talk about your perspective." Amity muttered as Alaric reached for her hand. I had recalled Emily explaining that a little bit but i'm honestly still very uneducated when it comes to the supernatural and witchy rules.

Alaric attempted to cheer us up a little bit as he muttered "It'll be a good way to end the book, don't you agree chester?" I chuckled at the memory of that book which i loved so much until i realized it's true nature. Yes this would be a fitting end to loves battles won't it?

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