chapter 37

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It was the summer of 1503 . Amity and I were at the very awkward age of the teen age . my parents were friends with Alviva so of course we grew up and grew close with each other. We were closer then most people were with their friends I must admit, I also had a small crush on her at the time. I didn't know what she felt about me though. Considering Alviva was...rather cold and strict, I was her best friend, her shoulder to cry on and I loved that role.

My parents were not the greatest and they let me do what ever I wanted without telling me what was good or bad. I really had no behavioural guidance when I was young, I did just hang out with Amity and we both just played with each other, we ran in the fields and we drew on walls with whatever we found. We made daisy chains in the fields and smelt the flowers.

We were doing just that in the middle of the field when Alviva came and asked to speak to us . She asked me calmly and sternly "Alaric Nicholas you are coming with me"" I felt the colour drain from my face as I looked to Amity. Amity frowned at me before taking the crown from my hand and nodding at me in farewell. I got up and followed Alviva into the house that we all shared. Though Alviva had an enormous amount of money she still likes to leech off others. those others being my parents.

She lived in our house for free and she got her own room, though I had to sleep in the same room as my five siblings. Amity also had her own room but it wasn't nearly as grand as Alviva's. Once we got to her room she shut and locked the door behind us and she walked around in front of me . "What do you have to say for yourself sweetie?" I had no idea what was happening, last time I checked I hadn't done anything wrong , therefore I honestly had no idea why I was in her room.

"umm miss Alviva why am I here?" I asked as politely as I could. I averted my gaze to the floor so that I didn't seem disrespectful or anything. she walked closer and closer to me, uncomfortably close. I could see the different shades of gray in her eyes , that was darker then I had ever seen them before.

"yu my dear boy have done something awful , and very unforgivable and deserve to be well reminded of whose in charge. "I could feel the fear and worry creep up into my veins. The room was growing colder and colder by the minute as I looked around confused . Alviva was speaking in another language as she stared right into my soul . I backed up slowly and tried to reach for the door but the handle was freezing cold .

"M-Miss Alviva! stop please, mom! dad! help me please!" I pleased with tears in my eyes, but they dropped as they froze as soon as they appeared on my cheeks . My hand nearly was sticking to the handle and Alviva gave a dark and sinister laugh "No aid will come to you stupid boy!" the sheer volume of her voice was loud enough to give me an instant headache and caused me to jump back and fall onto the floor.

She was a towering statue as she stood tall and proud at my feet . The icy cold feeling was seeping into my skin and crawling through my veins. Literally, when I looked down my skin was white and my veins were the darkest of blue , it was as though ink had settled into my veins. Once I was down on the floor and still in a lot of shock from what happened she kicked me in the stomach . She then grabbed me by the front of the shirt and whispered "Love may lie to all those who are not I. For thy shall lie like the snow that falls from the sky." She let go and opened the door without giving me a second glance.

I sat on the floor alone, I was in shock. I could still feel the cold running through my veins. I was just , staring at the floor that was in front of me. It took me a moment to come to my sentence when it processed. She said that my parents wouldn't come looking or helping me . well she said no help will come to my aid but surely, if my parents were able to then they would help me in any situation right? I stumbled to my feet whilst holding onto the desk that was in front of me . I stood straight up before rushing into my parents room, they were no where to be seen. Usually they never left the room.

Though something stopped me in my tracks, There was a mirror above my parent's dresser and I walked closer to it. My black hair and green eyes had turned blonde and brown, I didn't look anything like my parents at all. My entire posture had became...somewhat larger and I was more muscular. I looked nothing like I used to . Of course I was panicked , I had no idea what was going on but I figured that Alviva had done some sort of magic on me.

It took me about half an hour to get used to my own reflection , which isn't something that people should be getting used to but oh well. I decided at that point that Alviva was a witch that needed to be stopped , for my sake and for those whom she had done wrong in the past. I had also decided to not let this get in the way of mine and Amity's relationship .

With that decided I had went outside to see that Alviva was next to Amity talking to her , I think that I heard the words "passed away ...moving ....sorry " before I went to another end of the field and waited for the witch to leave . I picked up some flowers from the garden which my mom valued highly, I wasn't sure if I would see her again . I didn't know what happened to her. I picked the flowers and went over to Amity and held out the flowers to her with a smile on my face "Hello miss, I just saw you sitting here and wanted to say hello."

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