chapter 49

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"hello? yeah mam it's me, no i'm fine! we lost track of time...hey mam? can i stay over at Chester's tonight? we have work to do. I know we've been with each other all day...we have other work to do . NO! shh no i'll be in his spare room and he has spare clothes...Well personally I think I suit oversized clothes...Okay. okay yes yes I promise okay?! yes i will. Love you too, bye!" Maddox was on the phone to his mother, asking her if he could stay at iy home, It will be somewhat like a massive sleepover. None of us were comfortable going to our respective homes with Alviva still out there. Emily had reassured us that she wouldn't wake up for a while but we were all somewhat shaken up.

We had moved into the living room after we finished our tea and Maddox had a good look around Emily's witchy room. He was ecstatic to be in the presence of a good witch , he asked a million questions per minute and gushed over the beauty of the crystals and the crystal balls. I was behind him , we had somewhat of a method where he'd pick a crystal up, look at it closely but if he couldn't tell the colour he would turn around and show me so that i could tell him what colour it was. Although Emily was behind us she let us continue in our little ways of figuring out the crystals, Maddox only needed to be corrected kindly once. He almost squealed as high as Amity when Emily said he had strong spiritual potential.

We were all sat in the living room , Maddox and I sat on the floor to allow Emily, Alaric and Amity to sit on the settees with one more seat spare. We heard more running upstairs and Maddox tilted his head to the side "Whose that?" I chuckled a little bit and so did Amity, Alaric gave a loud snort and Emily was just a tiny bit confused "Remember that really good friend i was telling you about earlier? it's him." I reassured him as i put an arm around his shoulder. Maddox nodded but was still confused Alaric was holding back even more laughter at the look on Maddox's face.

Maddox pouted but that pout soon went away as Dave entered the room and was replaced by an open mouth which i gently shut "Careful there Maddox you'll catch flies." Before giving him something else to turn his attention to . I gave him a small peck on the lips that made him somewhat jolt back in surprise and embarrassment. "H-Hi Dave!" Maddox gave a shy smile before covering his face with his hands and leaning forward before sitting up again and huffing. Dave chuckled and came over to us, he ruffled Maddox's hair and sat down in the open seat next to Emily.

"It's great to see you doing okay Maddox! and it's fantastic to see you and Chester together, though it's extremely strange to have students in my own home." That almost made me blush and give him a hit up the head. Though he is my lecturer still so i restrained myself. "Hello Dave, how are you this evening?" I asked politely. "Well a bit sad, frustrated and a tad uncomfortable! who are you?" ...well at least he was honest. He turned towards Amity and Alaric with a raised eyebrow.

Maddox and I shared that look once again. We had slight smirks on our faces "Um Dave i'm Amity lootice? I'm in your class?" Dave furrowed his eye brows and stroked an imaginary beard considering his facial hair wasn't that long and he had a thoughtful expression "hmm i'm not sure if I know any Amity looticeses ....unless you just don't come to my class in which case" Dave turned dramatically to Alaric "who.are you?" his dramatic tone matched his facial expression which caused me, Maddox, Amity and Emily to start chuckling.

Alaric gave a slight chuckle of his own and rolled his eyes. "Come on Dave you know me-" he was suddenly luke once again , this caused Dave to jump up and fall down the back of the settee , this time wall burst into laughter. Maddox and I were leaning on each other for support . Amity was giggling hysterically and Alaric was smirking. Emily looked over the couch to see if her husband was alright before turning back around and grinning "That's a nasty curse there, good thing Alviva doesn't know what she's doing half the time" Emily's tone was very serious at first and then turned quite playful at the end, she sent me and Maddox a wink , it made hope fill in my chest. I somewhat understood that Alviva hadn't a clue about what she was doing but I hadn't thought that it would mean there were weaknesses to her curse...or even loopholes. I had spent a bit too long trying to think of loopholes that i never found and so i gave up. Even when I knew that witch they didn't tell me anything of my own curse.

"okay okay" Dave said as he got up and tried to flip over the settee , landing harshly on the floor in front of mine and Maddox's legs, he missed us by about ten centimetres. He crawled over to the settee and climbed up onto it with a huff and a nervous smile. "right um yes...there's lots of things i clearly don't understand....clearly...can this be explained in approximately 75 words?"

there was a moment of silence before i spoke "Okay well , i'm a lot of years old because of a curse which means that i will always fail to have a successful relationship. Maddox is my current...boyfriend. Amity is the daughter of the person who cursed me but that's alright because Amity doesn't like her mother really, Alviva cursed Alaric or as you know him as luke a long while ago. Maddox was kidnaped until Emily came to save us and now we're trying to break the curses and get back at Alviva and stop her from hurting others...that's the short version, any questions? "

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