chapter 50

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A/N i cannot believe that we have reached fifty chapters! thank you soo much to all of my readers <3 i appreciate you all!!

we had learnt very little new information in the time at the good witches house. That is what i'm calling the house because 'the slip and skate' house sounds like a giant out door fun summer activity where mini people live underneath it and get crushed every time it gets used and you use it by skating on it. It also reminds me a bit too much of the ice rink. I'll get over that eventually...hopefully with Maddox when we have another date there ...if he wants of course. All that we had learnt from our conversation was that there's a difference between spells and curses. Me and Alaric are cursed which means that something needs to happen in order for us to no longer be cursed. Spells are less permeant and can be reversed with time or another spell. That is why Emily was able to restore our abilities to speak, see and hear.

I was really tired and we had all been hit pretty roughly by our day. I had to have a nice cup of coffee before I drove home or else I would have been falling asleep at the wheel, which is not a sensible thing to do ! don't drive when you are tired! i'm so tired I am lecturing myself. I honestly didn't trust Amity or Alaric to drive us home either considering how i've seen them driving when they're not tired and i wasn't going to risk my car .

This was going to be...interesting to say the least. I hadn't actually had anyone sleeping over at my house. I was also incredibly incorrect when i said Amity was tired, unless I missed her downing five cups of coffee because she was now bouncing off the walls. "Oh I can't wait! this is going to be one of the best sleepovers any of us have ever had!...wait....who has had a sleepover before and before you answer Alaric no , staying in the other house does not count as a sleepover." Amity exclaimed before sounding a bit depressed at the end, interrupting Alaric who had started to lift his hand up but stopped whilst looking defeated.

I shook my head as Maddox answered "I've slept over at my cousins but i wouldn't consider that a sleepover..." Maddox trailed off at the end as we got to the front door of my house. This only seemed to encourage Amity some more as she squealed and wrapped her arm around Maddox and Alaric's shoulders "yes! it can be a first sleepover sleepover! It will be the best first sleepover sleepover ever!" Amity's enthusiasm once again made me want to slam my head on the nearest hard surface but I appreciated that she could still put on a brave and happy front when we're all somewhat in danger.

We entered the house calmly, Amity pulling on Maddox's shoulder a little bit causing him to stumble into the doorway. Though he stumbled into me so he didn't have any time to fall or hit the wall. I got an awkward smile in response as I shook my head. Amity was running around the place , looking at all the ornaments and other oddities I owned whilst Alaric calmly followed her. Maddox and I headed straight for the living room where Maddox promptly face planted my settee. I laughed and walked over , picking his head up and placing it onto my lap.

"you doing okay Maddox?" I asked gently and sincerely I had asked that too many times already but i wanted to make sure that he knew he could tell me if anything was wrong or if he was unhappy about something. I'm not clingy or obsessive what would make you think that? I'm not sure if i'm too worried or straight forward with people or it normal to be this aware of how you act towards people or how people see you?

Maddox smiled and held my hand "Yes I know, Chester, I'm okay and you're there for me always, i'm okay at the moment, you you'd know if i wasn't doing well. " He was right but i honestly didn't want to admit that because then i would stop asking him if he was okay and i don't want that....i need to have a good meditation session and going deep into my mind to sort out my behaviour or attitude issues...if i have any. I'm not sure what's normal anymore...

"Chester? Are you doing okay?" Maddox asked me as I started to mindlessly run my own fingers through his own hair. I was about to answer when Amity came in , holding somethings from the second bedroom "Chester! you have soo much cool stuff here! we will totally have the best first sleepover sleepover ever! We'll make popcorn, watch movies, have pillow fights oohhhhhh!" She started to hit Alaric on the arm excitedly "LETS MAKE A FORT!"

Until Eternity BxBWhere stories live. Discover now