chapter 16

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Despite my wishes for a good night's sleep like I had received the past two nights , I was rudely awoken by the scent of roses and jasmine. Seriously , did she not know how to stop before it became nauseating? I sat up in my bed to see the scarlet draped lady in the corner of my room.

That reminds me I haven't exactly explained the layout of my room to you. or any aspect of my room really. Of course it was well-organized , I would lose my mind if it wasn't. I have a big king-sized bed in the centre with two black wooden nightstands on either side to make it symmetrical. My headboard is also black but it goes well with my walls which are a light cream colour with some crimson accents. The quilt and pillows on my bed usually match the cream and red colour scheme. I had some fake ivy around my bed and some fake flowers planted all around the room. My wardrobe and all the other furniture in the room is also black. I have a window seat which I enjoy significantly. I have a small leather seat and a glass table in the corner and several chests of drawers and other storage solutions took up the rest of the space.

Alviva was sat in the leather chair , staring at me from the corner, I raised my eyebrows at her as all she did was stare. this lasted a little while before I just rubbed my eyes "Can I help you? or do you enjoy being the creepiest thing on the planet and watching me sleep?" I don't take well to being woken up, I especially don't take well to being woken up by something which is making me feel sick.

Of course she ignored my question by asking "how was your date?" Which caused me to furrow my eyebrows and narrow my eyes . "if you must know it went great....what do you know about my date?" She seemed angered by my response before sighing and standing up before transforming into the waitress we saw at the diner, her eyes turned blue and her hair turning brown. "May I take your order please?" she asked in a high pitched voice which was identical to the girl I had encountered the day before.

I sighed and ran my hands through my hair as she changed back to the form I know and loathe. "our date went well, we saw a fantastic movie, had a great meal , which you seem to know all about then we came back here for a few hours, it was an almost perfect date." She again seemed displeased before she smirked and tried to catch me out.

"almost? having trouble in paradise already?" I rolled my eyes at her, every pairing in the world has bad dates, I know I shouldn't antagonise her, my fate is literally in her hands though her dislike for me has lasted over seven hundred years I don't think that her attitude is suddenly going to switch. "Alviva why do you feel the ever-lasting need to ruin my life? surely your ego has healed?"

she started to twirl her hair "what? the one person who I love doesn't love me, surely Watching him suffer is justified right?" she had let a sickly sweet smile grace her lips as her voice becomes more flirtatious as she spoke and I rested my head back on my pillows , not taking my eyes off her for a moment "is seven hundred years not enough for you? I mean I am proud of my persistence to put up with you. You have caused so much self development."

she pouted and walked to the window "It wouldnt' have been seven hundred years if you would have just loved me, fine I won't interfere in your love life for now, see you later chester, love you! " she vanished as I rolled over with my face in my pillow. Every interaction with that woman exhausted me but I still had to write about it in my journal of course before I forgot any details. Seems she has been practicing her shape shifting abilities and knows how to get rid of that tell-tale scent.

The next day I was conflicted . I spent a lot of time pacing in my living room, running my hand through my hair and just muttering a lot. I wanted to check up on Maddox and I didn't know if it would be more appropriate to go to his house or to just talk to him on messenger. It took me a good hour of contemplating before I gave up .

Good morning Maddox, are you doing well today? -C

Each moment that he didn't reply was a bit more nerve wracking then the last, but it was a Saturday and it was still a little bit early for most people to be awake this was because I didn't fall back to sleep after my rude interruption. I just filled my system with caffeine and so I was still bouncing off the walls.

Hello chester! I'm doing good! I'm sorry again for yesterday but overall I had fun! how are you doing ?-M

I sighed in relief, he was doing good, he was oaky I can calm down and just rela-

I'm doing well, I also had a nice time yesterday, do you have any plans for the day ahead?-C

I felt like kicking myself again, why do I always do this when messaging? why do I even bother messaging in the first place? Every single time I open messenger I do something embarrassing in front of Maddox!

Well it's Saturday o I go to the bingo with my mom, why? missing me already :) X -M

oh my god that was soo bloody cringy I am so sorry for that! I can't believe I actually let that go from ym brain to my hands to my fingers to my phone-M

I was honestly just laughing at his attempt at being somewhat flirty..... time to do what I do best, embarrass myself!

yes actually I am missing you, -C

oh my gosh I tried to do the same as you but it was just as cringey-C

haha no it wasn't too bad I started it-M

maybe we can talk when I get back...or....-M

I was liking the idea of talking when he gets back but I was still interested in what he had to say, I was ready to accept my plans for the night...Maddox wasn't replying so I spent a while trying to convince myself that talking would suffice but alas the words were formed and sent before I could stop myself

what is this orrr you speak of? surely it's not the Geology kind of ore? -C

pft cause you'd know all about geology! and I was going to say , you could come over either tomorrow or Monday? I could just tell my parents it is to work on our project?-M

I spent a good while thinking over this, It would be good because of course I would get to see Maddox and get to know Maddox and see more of his house then the front door. However I haven't met his father yet and I'm slightly scared about making a good first impression. I thought that I had made a good first impression with his mother but after last night I wasn't too sure.

I would love to come to your house at some point! perhaps we could talk about it later tonight? -C

I was banging my head off the wall, my crush had just asked me over to his house and I sound like I don't want to talk about it or be interested in it and therefore uninterested in him...why are relationships so difficult?

That's great! yeah we're actually heading out of the door now , talk to you later x -M

my heart fluttered everytime he sent me a kiss, each x gave me hope for this relationship that is sometimes trampled ....

Alright Maddox! Please let me know when you are free to talk! have a good day x -C

That means that I am going to be bored again for the rest of the day until Maddox is ready and home, wow I sound very dependant on Maddox to fill my day with happiness and joy. For the next few hours I decided to clean my house again. I think i'm going to re-decorate soon, I am getting rather bored .

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