chapter 35

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After a lesson where Luke/Alaric, whom I will now refer to as Alaric ,is actually doing his job properly I escorted Maddox to where he gets picked up after saying goodbye to Alaric. We would be putting the plan into action at some point tomorrow , which was a tad nerve wrecking but it will all work out in the end, I hope. Alaric got confused quite a few times on the subject but it was rather nice watching Maddox tell him what was happening and what certain words meant. I could see him being a perfect teacher when he is older and qualified, he doesn't seem to get nervous when he is teaching or talking about something that he knows a lot about.

"Are you sure that this is a good idea?" Maddox asked me as he fiddled with the keyrings on his bag and looked up at me as I was standing in front of him, they still hadn't added another chair to this small passageway. I didn't mind it too much though considering Maddox looked incredibly cute in his hoodie and I had a full view of him as opposed to how it would be if I was sat right next to him.

I tried to reassure him as best as I could but I wasn't sure how comforting a small smile, shrug and "I'm not sure , it seems pretty good in theory, in theory it is an excellent plan and would go off without a hitch. but I can't guarantee that in real life. It is Alaric's plan after all..." I trailed off at the end which Maddox noticed and crossed his arms with a small smirk "you got jealous." He stated simply with a knowing glint, I felt my eyes go wide and I raised my hands in surrender.

"I was not jealous! he was flirting with another person's boyfriend" I stopped nearly immediately as I uttered the last word, silently watchi8gn Maddox's reaction. His cheeks became red and he got a goofy smile on his face. He stopped playing with the keyrings on his bag as he grabbed my hand and started to play with my fingers ad softly trail his fingers up and down my hand, making small patterns as he went .

"hmm well yes I could see why someone would get jealous over someone flirting with their boyfriend. If anyone were to flirt with my boyfriend I would be angry but understand as my boyfriend is the best and no one else can have him!" Maddox stated lovingly and enthusiastically with a daft grin on his face . I chuckled, leant down and gave him a small kiss on the nose. His smile seemed to grow even bigger as he closed his eyes . We were interrupted by the sound of Maddox's phone going off. telling us that the taxi was here.

Sure enough the taxi was here, when I turned around to face the glass door I saw a rather familiar Skoda vehicle . I heard Maddox cheer from behind me and figured that this taxi drivers was one of those that liked to talk with and get to know their passengers. Once I bid Maddox a quick farewell I had decided to head to the book store , I had hopes of finding yet another book that would take me away from the world that I was currently trapped in. Though I highly doubt I would come across anything that powerful.

I was greeted politely as entered the book store and I returned the greetings with as much enthusiasm as I could muster. Jessica was like a magnet to those who need help, hence why she gave me that other book a while ago. I hadn't read that in a while . I found it odd how I could go from entirely obsessing over a book to not finishing it. I guess distractions got in the way, now I need a distraction from the distractions.

I tried venturing to the different kinds of genres that I wasn't used to looking at , those such as horror and cooking, perhaps a little bit of gardening . Though they really didn't catch my fancy at the moment. I stared blankly at a few pages and then put the book back before choosing another and the cycle just kept repeating. That was until I remembered My favourite activity of reading to Maddox.

I remembered that he wanted to find books for us both to enjoy, I wasn't entirely too interested in self-help books but maddox seemed to be. I think that perhaps if I were t read a few of them then I could get a good and general idea of what books that we could read. I honestly would read nursery rhymes to him if he liked the sound of it , I liked the look on Maddox's face as he concentrated calmly on every syllable.

I spent a few hours looking at the different books that they had on offer, I used to glance over them when I came here before Maddox appeared. Though I found some rather interesting books , some contained things that I could use in my own day-to-day life . I think that I should start to meditate in order to become more mindful and become more aware of my surroundings since we all know that I need it.

I left the book store late that night and once again decided to take the bus home, I didn't particularly like walking alone in the dark , despite that I still had to walk a little way before I get to my home. I felt relieved when I entered my house, though it wasn't any warmer then outside it made me feel comforted. I wasn't looking forward to going upstairs to my bedroom. I didn't want to think back to the nightmare and what it could mean.

As I walked through my house Something caught my eye, it was the book , 'loves battles' the book that I had been very distracted from the past few days. I don't know why the story felt so familiar yet it was all new information . I decided to have something quick to eat and then continue reading a part of the book. Perhaps it would help me put my mind and guilt at rest for not reading it in a while.

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