chapter 48

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"Chester?" Asked Dave as he entered the room with a burnt towel and sweat running down his head, he was wearing blue basketball shorts and a thin vest top. "Chester! he shouted and almost went to gave me a hug before seeing Maddox in my arms. A frown appeared on his face before he looked around us and to Emily "I'll just...uhh see you later..." He rubbed the back of his head before backing away from the room . Emily smiled and shook her head "Well...I assume that you know my husband Dave...i suppose we will all have some explaining to do."

I nodded to her "Please can you just wake Maddox up? I'm getting a bit worried..." I trailed off at the end as Amity nodded and Alaric went to lean on the wall and be the silent intimidation. Though from what I've seen the past two hours , he has lost a lot of his intimidation factor. Though by the time i had finished my speech Emily was already lighting candles and gesturing for me to put him on a small sofa in the middle of the room. It almost looked like a chair you would see in a therapist's office.

Maddox was still seemingly peaceful as Emily got behind him and placed her fingers on his temples before chanting something that i couldn't hear, or more I couldn't understand. it sounded finnish, which is a beautiful language by the way. I stood next to Amity and she gave me a small smile and squeeze on my arm for support. "do you know her?" I whispered to Amity whilst Emily was distracted but unfortunately she shook her head and pursed her lips. All the flames sparked in the room whilst another gust of wind appeared out of nowhere. From my understanding this is because witches can control all of the elements, or at least I understand that from what Alaric has told me.

There was a few moments of almost silence in the room with the only sounds being Emily's chanting and the wind which was causing papers to move and fly all over the place . The bulbs from the main light had exploded , After a while Emily seemed to start struggling as she muttered "Poor boy, it seems that he's lost, we need something to bring him back" We all looked at each other for a while . I had no idea what would help bring him back to the world, this isn't a fairytale where true loves kiss could bring him back . We needed something that he cares about and something that could be put in his hand or near him. I reached into my pocket when I had a spur of the moment and totally foolish but somewhat feasible solution.

My fingers wrapped around Maddox's crystals that i had kept close to me since we left the library, his crystals mean so much to him and even if it's selfish i had hopes that the memory of me reading about them would help even it it is the smallest, tiniest bit. I walked over to Maddox and handed Emily the crystal who quickly used it to channel Maddox by lacing it on his forehead and urging him to use his third eye. The muttering continued and so did the unnatural bend of elements in the room which didn't surprise me much but it was all over after a small while. looking around you would think that nothing bad had happened. Then again nothing bad had happened know what i mean things looked back to normal and there was a now light in the room coming from the main bulb which no longer was in pieces.

Maddox woke up slowly and i moved closer to him but stayed beside Emily, just to ensure him that it was alright. I have no idea what the last thing he saw was . It could have been Alviva's face, the basement of the other house or he may have passed out due to the portal. +His crystal like eyes opened and he frantically jumped up looking around. I don't think that he was focusing on the people in the room but rather the decorations of the room. As I had mentioned before the room was very much witch themed and i'm certain that didn't help his anxiety at the moment.

Seeing this I quickly walked in front of him and bent down "Maddox? Can you hear me?" His eyes weren't focused at all until i spoke., he looked directly at me with his eyes that were welling up with tears. His lip started to quiver as he tried to stay composed but was horribly failing. I held my arms out as he almost dived into them once again, I was instantly reminded of the first time I had witnessed him having a panic attack but instead of the bathroom floor he leapt right into my arms, snuggled his head in my neck and cried and cried until his shaking body calmed down and sobs turned into pants.

We spent a few minutes there just calming down , My own frantic heart allowed itself to become calm again at the fact Maddox was now awake and moving. Once Maddox pulled back and rubbed his eyes he looked around "Wait...are we in heaven?" His breathes started to get a bit more fast paced but I smiled and chuckled in response to his question. "No Maddox we're in a friends house, a very good friends house" As I said that Emily entered with a tray of herbal tea, I hadn't really noticed her leave the room but as i looked around I saw Amity and Alaric sitting down at what looked to be an office desk , quietly chatting about what had happened recently. "are you okay?" I asked Maddox before I even attempted to stand up. Maddox nodded , though he seemed rather confused. I'm not surprised he had no idea whose house we are in and he probably had no idea of what happened.

"yeah I think i'm okay but i need some things explained....if i can handle that anyway." Maddox chuckled a little bit but i could tell how serious he was. We both stood up and there was suddenly there were four metal chairs in front of Emily's desk. The chairs were patterned with metal flowers and held purple cushions to make the seats comfortable. Maddox sat and looked around, he was seemingly fascinated by what he could see and i couldn't blame him . This would be his dream room. Emily waltzed around to her chair after handing Maddox his crystal back with a smile "Now we all have explanations , but before then please drink your tea and perhaps you should call your mother Maddox? it is getting rather late."

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