chapter 19

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I didn't know how long i was passed out for, I knew that when I woke up i had been out for a long time as light streamed in through the messily boarded up window. I was sat on an uncomfortable chair with my hands tied around my back and my arms tied stiffly so I couldn't move them. My feet were also tied together but that job was rather loose and messy , If i put enough strength into it i could probably loosen them and get out.

Though I was extremely confused . All I remembered was walking home from Maddox's and being in the middle of the street when dizziness overcame me, the last thing I remember seeing was blonde and blue , what seemed like hair . but the only person that I know with that kind of hair was...


A very high pitched laugh comes from the corner of the room, where I saw Amity. She wore black jeans and a black shirt with a graphic pattern on it. She had a pink lollipop in hand and she seemed to be conversing with a male. The male having spikey blonde hair, snake bites, a bridge piercing, a septum piercing and I couldn't see his eye colour from here. Though he wore a black hoodie and baggy jeans. Though Once I spoke their attention was turned to me.

"Awe look whose awake, Mister Allerton is finally with us, goodness you must have been distracted for me to be able to knock you out so easily." Ugh she is very talkative...well at least I knew that wasn't a front. Though I didn't seem to be the only one to think that as the male that was stood next to her rolled his brown eyes at her and scowled. "You still haven't told me why exactly you knocked him out and brought him here" The male said in a deep voice, very annoyed by his companions lack of reasoning.

"fine" she pouted childishly, before walking over and prodding my chest "My mother is infatuated with you, it's really annoying and if i'm honest it means that she's paying less attention to what is important, me now if you are out of the picture then that means that she can focus on the important things once again me." I furrowed my eyebrows in confusion, I was pretty sure that I hadn't met Amity's mother, I didn't even know her name, her mother could honestly be anyone. Gosh her talking is annoying she rambles on a lot and repeats herself. Not in the energetic way that I thought at first. It's like a snooty and arrogant way.

I heard a buzz as Amity stomped her foot and took my phone out of her pocket, making me glare at her, I wouldn't have minded if it wasn't in my back pocket the last time that I checked. "Awe" I hope she attempted to put on an annoying voice there and that squeal wasn't her original tone of voice "Maddox is just adorable isn't he? Maybe when you're out of the picture I'll go for him , be his shoulder to cry on and break his heart, it would be like losing you all over again!"

This seemed to displease the man behind her, It displeased me too but i wasn't as expressive as he was "Am! what are you talking about?" The use of the nickname makes me think that they were close , hmmm I wonder who exactly this person is. But I didn't give Amity the chance to answer before I interrogated "Who exactly is your mother?"

Amity seemed to find my question really amusing as it nearly brought her to her knees with laughter "Ha! you still haven't figured it out yet? honestly Chester I thought that you were smart! you've had that many degrees surely there is something in that head of yours? or is it empty from all the years you've been alive cause your brain melted and leaked out? What other woman obsesses over you? she chases you around wherever you go? longs for you so much she would even put a curse on you? "

I rolled my eyes and ignored the insults. Only one woman came to mind and I have honestly no idea what to think about it. Surely Alviva ...just no! wouldn't surprise me if she had a daughter. However they were so different from each other, perhaps that was on purpose. Or perhaps thsi was a part of Alviva's plan all along. My eyebrows furrowed in thought which seemed to amuse Amity even more .

Until Eternity BxBOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora