chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Once I had taken some medicine for that headache Alviva I had decided to text maddox. I hope that he replies straight away i need to make sure that woman didn't hurt him at all.

hey , how are you? -C

hi i'm dowing good! wbu? -M

oh um. i'm doing good actually, did you have a good day? -C

um I had a godo day yeahumm i was with you through most of it-M

ohh...well, I know, it's jsut i really like spending time with you and i wanted to know if...-C


would you like to spend the day with me tomorrow?- C

....are you sure you want to? like don't feel like you have to but are tou sure you want to spend your day with me? -M

....English please- C

sure I would love to1-M

so um, do you want me to pick you up tomorrow?-C

do you know my address? that would probably be easiest! actually i'll give you my phone number and thens end it to you over text-M

okay so my number is 3400022 71 -M

okay so I'll text you? x -C

My heart literally stopped beating when i sent that message, i didn't mean to send him a kiss! what was I thinking?! Chester you can't send a kiss to a dude that you met about two weeks ago! he may have just accepted a potential date with you! you can't be sending kisses! he probably thinks you're a complete clingy nutter who will take things too fast and are obsessed over him and- A ping from my phone interrupted my thoughts

yup! talk to you then! -M

I gave a sigh of relief as He didn't mention my kiss....the kiss on the computer the x which i sent....that was my first online kiss anyhow ...I had decided to immediately message him just to make sure I have the correct number

Hello? -C

I texted to the number that he sent me, I could tell that the person had seen my message and each dot that came across the screen whilst i was waiting for a reply was basically torture.

hi! is this chester? -M

I sighed in relief as My worries were erased immediately

Yes it is! hello! so yeah this is my phone number, if you need me at uni or outside of uni you can just call me or text me what ever is best for you. -C

That's really great of you to offer that Chester! I will probably take you up on that offer a few times. so my address... -M

Fantastic! I will pick you up tomorrow at around 12? is that okay? -C

12 is perfect! , although a little bit earlier may nto go amiss too because I'll probs get really anxious and work myself up so any time earlier then that would be good, I'm sure i'll be okay though! don't worry! I jsut get anxious sometimes but i'm alright with you the majority of the time! -M

I was worried and yet I chuckled at his rambling, we will probably discuss this at a later time , when it's mroe appropriate and we get to know each other better.

Okay! I will try my best to arrive at your home at around 12 though i may not be on time-C

see you the morrow! :) -M

have a good evening Maddox -C

goodnight Chester- M

I had another great night's sleep that day, I wasn't worried abut anything which was a great surprise to me. It shocked me how arranging a simple day with some just eases my pain away.

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