chapter 46

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We walked silently up to the front of the house. Alaric had to carefully guide Amity as she of course couldn't see where she was going. Apparently she didn't come here too often despite it being her house. She either teleported in or slept at the other house. I didn't quite understand how they now have a total of three houses but I decided that was a question for another time. It was rather difficult to open the door in the house, it wasn't locked or shut tightly . the pressure that was coming from the other side of the door was making it very hard to open, Even though Alaric seemed to be strong it took all three of us pushing our body weight upon it in order to open the door and make it slam shut once we slipped in.

"shh!"said amity loudly in response to the door slamming shut. That was rather annoying as she was rather loud but what was more annoying was Alaric who exclaimed "FU-!" in response to bashing his head against the wall. We all looked around carefully , looking for clues or some sign of trouble . Considering Alviva poofed out of the library, it would not have been surprising if they had teleported right in the room where they are now.

we ventured further into the house, we looked all around upstairs and he was nowhere to be seen, nor was Alviva but of course i was only worried about Maddox . Wouldn't mind if Alviva was lost somewhere. Alaric stood still in a doorway of the room we were currently in before sharply turning on his heal with wide eyes. I was getting used to that look and i was getting used to the feeling of fear that pulsed in my veins whenever that look appeared in his eyes. He facepalmed rather harshly but with amity mumbling nonsense that he couldn't hear he ran down the stairs. Then another set of stairs that i hadn't noticed before.

There was a dark red door at the bottom of the stairs. I was assuming that this lead to a basement of sorts. Of course it had to be a stereotypical basement situation . As Alaric flung open the door and allowed us to enter inside I was ...not all that shocked. Though i felt a different emotion ,rage. It was a very stereotypical witches room , even more so in the room that i had previously seen her in . This room was dark and cold. With chalk and salt on the floor and candles everywhere. It was a stereotypical sacrificial or spell casting set up. One of the main reasons why i know this is because Maddox had a book on witchcraft in his room . I hadn't encountered many other witches in my life other then Amity and Alviva. I knew one quite a while ago but she didn't know that I knew that they could do magic.

In the middle of the room lay Maddox, he was peacefully sleeping , or so i hoped . My hopes were proved wrong as he thrashed around, he had his eyes shut and he seemed to be sleeping but his sleep was anything but pleasant. Above him stood Alviva, with phantoms moving her dress and hair as though there was gales of wind in the room . She one of the worst conditions i had ever seen her There was sweat running down her face along with black streaks from her eyeliner. "well look what the...snowman dragged in" She managed to choke out, though it seemed to take a lot more effort then it should have.

Amity walked into the room behind me and looked to the left of the room , in the opposite direction of where her mother was and started to plead "mom please just-" She paused when I went over and positioned her in the right direction in order to face the woman "oh mom please stop this! Is this really worth cursing your daughter?!" She subconsciously touched her eyes and almost could have scraped where they are with her long nails. '

"is it? was it really worth going against your own flesh and blood to help people you don't know? Amity you cannot lecture me about loyalty!" Alviva shouted and with every word she spoke Maddox's thrashes became wilder and he became more disturbed. I was tempted to go closer to Alviva and stop whatever madness she was doing but I held myself back. Magic wasn't something that was supposed to be messed with or interfered least not by people who have no idea of what they're doing. The only person here that should interrupt would be Amity and with her being unable to see I don't think we stood much of a chance interrupting.

Alaric had the next attempt "Alviva haven't you done enough?! you've done all this just because someone doesn't find you attractive, do you realize how selfish and self-conceded that is?!" but his words were fruitless as she emitted a cruel and sinister laugh. A laugh that i had never heard the like of before. It was the perfect example of an evil laugh. It was deep, dark and deranged. she started to chant once again, the words held no colour but they were dark and depressing. Maddox continued to thrash and it nearl-oh who am i kidding? i had tears streaming down my face.

I had truly grown to love maddox. I love his cuteness and innocence. His positiveness never failed to brighten my day, I hadn't known him for that long but He made me forget about my past. Going ice-skating with him and watching him develop new skills is what i want to experience for the rest of my life. I wanted to watch him grow and smile and i wanted to be with him the entirety of the way.

Amity and Alaric were shouting nonsense in unison. Alaric was extremely loud and my head and ears were killing me but i could only focus on Maddox. That was until purple smoke appeared behind Alviva and someone appeared.

Until Eternity BxBΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα