chapter 40

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I had a sour look on my face the entire way to maddox and I's room. Seriously though , it is such a fantastic room to be in, why don't more people use it? Don't get me wrong i'm really happy that no-one uses it because then we get tot spend time there but still, people are missing out. Perhaps I could have a little bit of fun with this? A small and hopefully unnoticeable smirk came onto my lips as I thought about ways I could make this break somewhat amusing. When I say amusing I mean thoroughly irritating to Amity and Maddox ...

When I entered the room in front of Amity, nevermind we all know that I held the door open and let her enter first, I'm a gentleman regardless of how much I want to rip her head of, I saw Maddox sitting next to Luke . I know I said that I would call him Alaric from now on but this isn't the occasion to get myself confused and accidentally use the wrong name , exposing us all and causing Amity to spontaneously combust in a pit of anger, rage and well...magic.

I gave the two men a nod as I sat down opposite Maddox, well away from him . Considering that Luke was already in the seat that I usually occupied I wasn't too bothered, This meant that I could have a complete view of Maddox at most times. Amity huffed a bit before sitting down next to me, I had seen her eyeing luke a few times before doing so . I nearly chuckled as I saw the googly eyes that she had. A quick glance at Luke told me that it did not go amiss . He was going to enjoy this just as much as I was.

Poor Maddox was sat with his lunch in front of him and his laptop open, quietly munching away as there was an awkward silence around the four of us. "So." Maddox started as he swallowed a bite of food "the project?" He questioned as though it was a completely new concept to him. I wouldn't have been surprised if he had forgotten what it was about because I certainly did.

"Ah yes" I answered as I looked at my copy of the proposal sheet that I had given to Louise. "surprisingly she doens't seem to have an issues with it . Which is a first for university lecturers." I saw Maddox's lips lift up in a small smile for a second before he placed another bit of food into his mouth. Amity gave a slight disgusted look "How can you eat all that? stuffing the entire thing into your mouth?" She rudely interjected , not seeming bothered by the idea of doing a project.

Maddox blushed slightly yet furrowed his eyebrows "umm, you're supposed to eat them like that , that's why they're small...They're bite....Anyway" Maddox tried to explain , I was very tempted to say 'like you' but I resisted that urge and kept looking down at the proposal . "I've worked out some questions and texts that we could use . Of course it would need to be the same text read out for the umm listening people." It seemed that he wanted to irritate me too today, he wanted to be so adorable I won't be able to contain my emotions.

I leaned closer to Amity on the chair to annoy her a little bit , which it seemed to do . As she tried to inch away from me more and more. She was nearly on the floor but she stopped herself from falling . "Yes that's a good idea, perhaps one fo us records it? who has the clearest voice?" I asked confidently tot he room, I know who had the clearest voice but I was taking each oppertunity to be passively annoying . In my opinion asking obvious questions is annoying .

"Oh I can r4ead it out!" Amity said in her high-pitched squeaky voice . I honestly couldn't help myself with the next comment that came out of my mouth. I tried to stop the comment I truly did but alas "Yeah no they've got to still have their hearing at the end of it." Amity looked at me with her mouth wide open and she looked like the stereotypical fish.

"what the rude one means Amity is that your voice is a bit high pitched and it tends to change tone quite a bit , therefore a deeper and more constant tone may be best." I crossed my arms and stared, challenging Maddox to continue not using my name and ignoring practically my entire existence. He was acting as though my voice was coming from thin air and there was no body attached. I had considered that perhaps it was getting him through being not the nicest person to me and following in his over-nice personality . Though he had shown himself to be a superb actor the day before.

Maddox gave a small smirk before looking down "I would stutter way too much and i admittedly can't read it out loud ...or at all so" He turned his head towards Luke who was sat there observing us with his arms crossed , a bored expression on his face "Luke, would you mind reading this out for us? You have the clearest and best reading voice in the room." My hands clenched into fists, I see he was doing this on purpose , I shared an annoyed look with Amity and gestured to Maddox as though saying 'can you believe this?' She nodded along with me but then almost jumped back to reality when she found herself agreeing with me . She had an even bigger frown on her face then she had half an hour ago.

Though something which seemed to improve her mood was Luke replying with "Only if that lovely lady over there would like me to?" He gave Amity the most flirty look I had ever seen , well nearly the most flirtiest look i have ever seen, considering I have met Alviva. Though I would like to stay as far away from the person who could beat Alviva in that department as possible .

Amity blushed a deep and impressive shade of red and she played with her hair, straightening it out as she composed herself . "Yes i think that would be a wonderful idea, I'm sorry but what's your name?" Amity's voice seemed to get lower as the sentance went on , the initial squeal made me flinch as i was right next to her.

"My name is Luke , and does the beautiful lady have a beautiful name to go along with it?" Amity giggled and fanned herself slightly with a small smile on her face. Looking at this from a new perspective I can see why Alaric liked her, she seems to be rather sweet and lady-like ...though i have only experienced this side of her around new and attractive people who aren't apart of any quite a few people I suppose.

"My name is Amity, it's wonderful to meet you Luke....have we met before? You seem rather familiar?" she said with a dreamy smile but the confusion that was laced in her voice wasn't hard to miss. Luke gave a light chuckle in response "Perhaps in a past life, there is no way I would be able to forget a face like yours."

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