chapter 53

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Maddox and I were once again sat on the floor whilst Emily ,Amity and Alaric sat on the chairs . Maddox was leaning his head on my shoulder whilst playing with his black tourmaline. "you know that house? the one that we took chester to when- "Amity started to ask Alaric, we all knew the place that she was describing very well and therefore I interrupted "yes Amity we don't' need to be reminded of ...those times" The times before we all became friends and some of us had a kidnapping tendency.

"anyway...we saw some of the same symbols in Emily's room that are on the walls of the house!" Amity continued to explain despite my interruption, the only response she gave to my interruption was a roll of her eyes and somewhat of a satisfied smirk. I had taken notice of some graffiti but i didn't take too much notice...I was preoccupied. Though someone who spent a lot of time there was Alaric who had a sour look on his face as he tried to confirm that he knew which symbols Amity was talking about "you mean those ugly and stupi-"

"those symbols are for protection...they are neither ugly or stupid, they could also be the key to defeating your enemy so i would restrain from bad mouthing them." Emily's voice was hard and held a tone of offense in it. I assume when someone doesn't take your practice or work seriously it could be offensive. she crossed her arms and gave Alaric a stern stare.

"well fine....the ones in the house are big and ugly though" Alaric muttered in defence whilst crossing his own arms and looking away. I could feel the darkness radiating off Emily from where I was sat and decided to intervene once again. I swear these people aren't very good at social things, which surprises me considering how many friends Amity has. "Alaric haven't we learnt not to go against witches wishes?" He scoffed at me and scowled. He then huffed when none of us did anything, looking around the room he decided to ultimately give up.

"fine...yes but we also have the issues of how we get her there and what we do once she's there...what then Einstein?" The sassy tone of his voice made me want to smile , though he seemed to be in a negative mood now. Tables had turned a little, i had cheered up significantly when i heard of the plan to actually kidnap or capture Alviva. I mean at the end of all these sleepless nights, not having that witch breathing down my neck would be a great gift.

"I mean , i highly doubt that she would expect us to do anything mundane ...but then again double psychology is a thing" Maddox chipped in, he had been relatively quiet since this conversation started. I mean he knows just about as much as me since i had told him most of the stories from my life when it comes to the supernatural and witchcraft. His uncertainty was back and he was just messing with his crystals that he had brought.

"She'll expect everyone but you to be weak " I looked at Emily with a raised eyebrow "She doesn't think any of us would be able to go against her" I only stated the truth, we were rather powerless when it came to the basement yesterday, the only reason that we had made it out of there with Maddox is because Emily showed up. Which made me wonder "Wait, we didn't talk about something yesterday. how did you know that we were there? and why on earth would you come to save us?"

Emily sighed before standing up and looking out of the window , watching Dave as he worked "As I and other witches are deeply connected to nature we can tell when something is wrong. What Alviva attempted to do was illegal in the laws of nature and witchcraft. As a witch it is my job and duty to restore the balance." She explained as she watched her fiancé with loving eyes. It made me wonder if her relationship was within the law of nature , though for now I decided to let it go.

Amity seemed to have her thoughts on other things however as she chirped up "ha, she doesn't know of any of our capabilities, she wouldn't suspect Alaric of anything...maybe" she placed her hand on her chin and started to tap her fingers against her cheek in thought. Her eyes widened after a moment along with her smile , she looked incredibly creepy as she slowly turned her entire body to face Alaric.

"No." Apparently Alaric knew what was going on in that strange head of hers as his blunt response implied. His tone was stern and finalised . Amity had none of it whilst she persisted "Come on Alaric! it could mean the success or failure of the mission!" she started to pout and move closer to Alaric, you could tell that she knew exactly what route to take in order to get her way .

"No...and the mission is killing your mother you should be sad!" Alaric argued whilst trying to move away from her oncoming intimidation and influence.

"she hasn't acted much like a mother anyway so do it for me! please please please please" she started to repeat the word 'please ' in several different tones, it nearly got to the point where if alaric did not accept i would on his behalf and he would need to put up with me. I rested my arm around Maddox and held him close. Whilst the talking was going on he had his eyes shut, his breathing was a bit quicker and he seemed to be warming up. I let him lay his head on my shoulder and i rubbed circles on his arm.

"okay! okay! fine" Alaric surrendered and put his hands in the air huffing when Amity leaped into his arms and gave him a hug. From under my arm I heard Maddox mutter a small "Am I the only one out of the loop?" I looked down to see him staring at me, I gave him a small peck on the nose which caused him to blink cutely ."Nope" I popped the 'p' happily. "Alviva is only interested in Chester...what if Chester" Amity turned towards Alaric and gestured with both hands "was only interested in Alviva?" 

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