chapter 30

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Chapter 30

The next day I was once again shattered , I didn't get much sleep last night despite Maddox hinting that he would still want to talk to me after this conversation. It didn't lessen the worry that surged through my veins. I put on a simple flannel shirt and jeans before heading out to Maddox's house. I was early but when am i not ? I am always early especially when i'm stressed.

I knocked on the door politely , I had left my hair down today considering i had the feeling it would be getting twirled and tugged by my nervous antics . The door was once again immediately opened, I had some theories about Maddox sitting on the ottoman by the door just waiting for someone to knock. There are some households in the world where if someone knocks on the door then the pet is the first one there. That is exactly what I imagine whenever Maddox opens the door to me .

"Chester! you're early! I'm not completely ready yet ..wanna come in?" I looked at Maddox questionably and then noticed that he was still in his pyjamas with his hair all messy . I coo'd inside my head about how adorable he looked with his bed head hair and fluffy and childish pj's .

"Sure, " I replied as i stepped into the house before looking around and giving him a swift kiss on the cheek "I'm glad to see that you are doing okay." I stated like a question with a slightly unsure smile on my face . "Oh yeah i'm doing good , don't like being woken up from my sleep every so often and it hurts a fair bit but alas I am okay, can't get rid of me easily ." He started off with a grin and started to walk upstairs by half way through the sentence. When he had finished I could hear him running around upstairs .

"Please don't rush Maddox you could trip and hurt yourself!" I shouted up at him, I heard his footsteps waver a bit before I got a response of "R-right!" I felt a bit awkward stood in the passage, I was a little bit nervous about going into the living room by myself but I decided that it would have been rude of me to walk into someone's home , and not say hello .

I walked to the open door of the living room and lingered in the doorway. There was another quiz on the television, it was almost an exact replica of my first appearance in the house . "Good morning savannah , Kenneth." I smiled politely , I don't know what i was expecting , I don't know why i thought that this simple greeting would make things bad or worse or anything of the sort it was completely irrational. I do not like it when i become irrational .

Kenneth gave me a polite "Hello Chester." along with a open hand for me to shake, I walked all the way over to the other side of the room in order to not seem impolite. I still felt incredibly awkward but it was lessening somewhat as savannah stood up and gave me a hug "Oh dear Chester it's good to see you again, you are looking a little pale . Did you sleep alright?" I gave off a small nervous chuckle which was simultaneous to Kenneth's well humoured chuckle

"Savannah dear leave the man alone , i'm sure that he is perfectly capable of looking after himself." he sounded sympathetic and yet understanding . Savannah sighed "yes I suppose, I'm sorry dear it's just Maddox doesn't really have many friends and you should have seen him when he left the hospital, he was practically jumping off the walls telling us how brilliant your trip was ."

I took notice of the fact that she had said 'trip ' instead of 'date' which confused me even more, did Maddox tell his parents that we were dating? or did he just not tell them that going to the ice rink was a date? I shook that thought out of my head which was replaced by those of negativity the reminder that Maddox didn't have many friends made me upset, i honestly do not see why Maddox didn't have a large group of friends as he is a really happy and excitable person. He seems to be an extrovert even if he denies it . "oh yes I enjoyed that morning a lot. it was rather fun to teach him how to skate."

"oh yes Maddox told us all about how you taught him how to skate, all about it was very difficult to make him stay quiet when he got home. " I gave a happy smile, I was glad that i could teach Maddox a new skill and i was even more glad that he enjoyed our date despite what happened. We heard running and savannah rolled her eyes "Maddox how many times do have to tell you not to run down the stairs? we may have two handrails but that doesn't mean that you cant fall..." Maddox entered the room looking a bit out of breath.

His hair was brushed and his pyjamas were replaced with jeans and a t-shirt. He had his usual jewellery and shoes on. He held his school bag in one hand and held his hand out to me "one more time then last time ma , we're off love ya'll!" I was practically dragged out of the door and out of the house, i only had time to wave quickly and shout "have a nice day!" before i was stumbling down the front stairs. Once Maddox had shut the door he had breathed a sigh of relief "I heard some of that, was it as cringey for you as it was for me? of course not it wouldn't be but it was cringey..."

i gave another chuckle at maddox's embarrassment as his cheeks became redder and redder , that may also have something to do with the cold that the chilly air is pulling straight through our bodies but i would like to think that it is because of his embarrassment.

It was a quick and fun ride to my house, again i was not trusting walking in case any jealous witches decided to kidnap me and drag me to their abandoned house. Maddox was talking none stop about how he liked the date and the music and some current events that were happening on the radio.

When we got to my house Maddox had calmed down considerably and he seemed to be in a much more...neutral mood? I'm not sure if neutral is the right word but i wouldn't say that depressed is either . He was in perhaps a serious mood would be the best way to describe it.

He took me by the hand and lead me into my own house, though he tried to . When we got to the door and he tried the handle he realized that it was locked. He turned to me with a small frown and held out his hand for my keys. which i proceeded to hold above his head. He gave me a little pout and tried to reach up and get them but they were just out of his reach, his fingertips just brushing them he gave a small jump and grasped them tightly in his hand.

he held it up as though it was a trophy , he seemed very proud of himself as he held them high in the air before quickly opening the door and letting himself in to which i rose an eyebrow. he seemed to be on a mission to have this conversation and he would stop at little to have the conversation with me . I was trying to prolong the inevitable but I knew that it wouldn't last for much longer .

We went upstairs into my bedroom where Maddox face planed the bed which was not unlike what i had done only yesterday . I gave a breathy laugh as i lay down beside him . "so you wanted to talk?" I asked him calmly , he rolled over on my bed and got under the covers .

I stayed on top of the bed and rolled over so that i could look at the lump which was Maddox in the bed . I pulled the covers off his face and he looked up at me like a cute little kitten...again. "hmm yeah i wanna talk...but i'm not sure about how to start." I smiled down at him . "You wanna mind telling me what the topic of conversation will be about?"

He pulled the cover back over his head and muffled a "you." I froze a little bit before I also got under the covers and faced him i was very out of my comfort zone but I decided that my bed is comfy and that Maddox may feel better if he knew i was there , even though he couldn't see me "what do you want to know?"

Until Eternity BxBTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang