chapter 39

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That evening was a stressful one , once again Maddox's words were ringing in my head but if i'm honest I wasn't the happiest about these words. I know it was fake and that it was all part of the plan but the emotions and the heartache was still there.

I had talked to Maddox on the computer that night. Our conversation was a little bit shorter then I would have liked but I think that it went well, we didn't want to talk too much in order to cause suspicion, that was just in case someone got a hold of our phones. Though despite us wanting to keep it nice and short it didn't really end up that way.

Good evening Maddox, I hope your day was pleasant? -C

I waited a few moments with a heavily beating heart, It's as though we had actually fought and he was in a negative mood with me. This was irritating me a lot, I was finding it difficult to admit to myself that I was losing my rationality. I sighed in relief when I heard my phone make a noise though I was hesitant to unlock it and look .

I had a fantastic day , until it was somewhat ruined by my early departure- M

I enjoyed my day as well, you were rather good-C

rather good? I was fantastic. -M

haha don't get too big headed or you won't be able to fit in my house XD-C

yes you used XD correctly and Hey! I take offense to that, do you think it worked? -M

well considering what she said when you left the alley , Amity was quite smug-C

good, I hope that gets her off our back for a little while, then we can focus on phase 2-M

I'm excited for phase two , hopefully it will be the last phase-C i highly doubt it, i'm usually an optimist but nto even I can see it happening that quick-M

yes you are usually optimistic, who are you and what have you done with Maddox?-C

oh haha very funny , I wonder if Amity will be at uni tomorrow? we'll need to be careful...i won't be able to tell-M

Don't worry Maddox, you've got Alaric remember? he's actually doing his job -C

...I forgot-M

how could i forget that Luke is Alaric? er well Alaric is luke? YOU KNWO WHAT I MEAN-M

Yes Maddox i know exactly what you mean, now I think you should get some sleep, we have university tomorrow-C

Ah yes university , the thing that normal people go to to study, wonder what it's like to be normal-M

goodnight chester I hope that your dreams are filled with happiness and brightness-M

I wouldn't know, Have a good rest-C

That night I slept somewhat peacefully, now that i had found out more about that book i was compelled to finish it , but it seemed like the next few pages were blank, I assumed that this was some sort of magic book thing where at the end of our story the pages would magically be filled with words and thoughts . Or at least I hoped that it would, it would be rather cool for that to happen. Even though i've only had negative experiences with magic doesn't mean that it can't be cool .

The next day when it was time for university I made sure to arrive their early, i watched as students trickled in . We had louise today which I wasn't looking forward to . I was anxious throughout the entire five minutes that I was sat there waiting for the hand on the blue clock to tick by.

I wasn't too fond of the room that we were sat in if i'm honest, there was one magenta wall and a wall of windows . There were computers lined up , about eight computers per row and there were five rows, so it was a pretty big room . It made the front of the classroom look tiny and therefore the projector would not be very effective when showing things. The chairs were the swingy office chairs which were way too easy to break if you used them inappropriately , aka if you swing back on them or make them become fit for a person of eight feet tall. Each computer had its won monitor, I thought that computers were hard enough to use by themselves so why add another screen to double the complexity? There were random headphones strewn around the room in random places . Computer mice were busted and broken , it was a miracle if you go one that worked properly .

I was sat at the front in my normal seat Even if me and Maddox were 'having a fight' it didn't mean that i was going to move. That might have something to do with my stubborn personality but it's not against what I would usually do. Also I was not expecting Amity to turn up to class.

I was playing with the wire of the mouse and the spiral of my notebook when I noticed Maddox and Alaric walk in , Maddox gave me a slight smile but i had diverted my gaze. He sat down beside me and whilst Alaric passed me he whispered "Amity's coming today." which made me stiffen and straighten my back. I glanced at the door to see her walking in at that very moment.

I put a scowl on my face and slumped down in my seat. She was with her friends form the class. She was of course popular here, I'm pretty sure that she runs a society of some sort but i didn't know her too well. She was wearing a black skirt with tights and a cream coloured jumper. When she walked past me she gave me a flirty smile and wave which reminded me so much of her mother i wanted to curl up into a ball and cry in the corner . I mustered up my best glare in her direction that I could which caused her to giggle and walk to the back .

The lesson went by without any issues , it was boring but no issues was a positive. All we did really was sit and listen to louise , I had forgotten the fact that we had to do a project. She was going through participant forms and ethics sheets once again and i was getting incredibly tired of hearing it .

At the end of the class I was about to leave and go somewhere other then our room , since we were having a fight and Amity was in school I had planned to go to the library . Though it seemed that Amity had other plans as she grabbed my arm harshly before I left the room "chester where are you going?" she said in a sickly sweet voice "me you and maddox are going to study today, for the project?" Oh no.

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