chapter 56

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I had to carry Alviva through the portals, Alaric would not help me what so ever. He claimed to have gone through 'tremendous torture and needs rest'. To add to my torment he refuses to change back from being me, which was creeping the life out of me. Imagine walking down the road or entering into a room and seeing yourself. Not really acting like yourself , but just yourself. Let me tell you it is a very awkward and not very appreciated experience. I had taken my necklace back off alaric almost immediately after I saw him . My neck felt bare without it , the only times where I take it off is if the leather gets a bit worn out and I need to change it.

I was carrying Alviva over my shoulder and purposefully bashing her into walls a few times, well not purposefully because that is mean and I am not mean...though I did not take particular care in avoiding the walls or sharp edges of furniture. We entered the house, all of us except for Maddox went straight to the living room. Maddox went upstairs . Three witches , a turned elemental shape shifter thing and a cursed human who literally can not die? We could protect Maddox if it came to it but i'm not much help to stopping magic.

"Careful there me , you don't want to give her a concussion" Alaric said in a mocking voice as he sat on the dust covered settee, though it seems that this wasn't unusual as there was an alaric sized space in the settee. I placed Alviva down in a metal chair that had been brought into the room. She can draw less energy from metal then she can with wood. We had tied her up with some synthetic rop and we just left her there to wait whilst we discussed what was happening.

I know that you are probably wondering why Maddox came with us if he was just going to sit upstairs? Well Maddox is reading one of Emily's books that she won't let practically out of her sight. She is happy enough to be in the same house as someone reading her book. Maddox had however phoned his mother before the whole ....Alaric becoming chester thing. That was funny

Thinking back , because I have nothing better to do , I laughed out loud at the memory of Maddox saying "hi mam, yes I had fun, no I was tired, yes pancakes, not much no I wasn't hungry. I know I need to eat more when i'm at other's houses, Like I said I was tired oh umm do you mind going by yourself? Of course I love going out with you, but now i'm with my friends...yes that was plural. Amity and Alaric. yes they have odd names. Oh well. okay bye love you!" He hung up the phone with a big blush and apologies to Amity and Alaric who were instead almost rolling on the floor due to the tone of his voice. I don't know what it is but he seems a lot more childish when talking to his mother, or perhaps on the phone in general.

I came back to the present when I saw Emily walking towards Alviva and placing something around her neck. Looking closely it is a necklace with a crystal on it , I recognised the crystal that was on the end because of Maddox. He had one of those in his bedroom. It was a sodalite stone, one that is good for communication and letting the truth be known. I didn't realize until now how much Maddox has actually taught me until now.

It wasn't long until Alviva woke up, I could hear music coming from upstairs. I had checked on Maddox a few times. He was lying on a very old bed which he stripped the covers of and put a blanket on the mattress. He was humming away to the music that was coming from his phone. He had two books in front of him. One being the book that I had bought him and the other being Emily's book. Once I sat beside him, he had smiled at me and we talked for a small moment about what was happening downstairs. The news was mostly nothing though he did like the fact that Emily was using a sodalite. He was even happier when I told him that he is the reason that I remembered what a sodalite actually was.

When Alviva started to stir I walked to behind the couch that Amity and Alaric were sitting on. They were just talking comfortably. I didn't want to disturb them at all. They spent a lot of time here from what I've seen . This is like another home to them. I gathered that from what Alaric had said. Emily was walking around the room and lighting candles. I was extremely shocked when a circle of fire seemed to appear suddenly around Alviva. You could imagine my shock when Emily made a path in the fire and started to circle Alviva. Making sure that everything is okay.

By the time that this was over and Emily came to stand in front of Alviva I was stood next to Amity, Alaric still hadn't changed back and i'm pretty sure that Amity was loving this. She would get to show her mother that she had what Alviva couldn't have, my friendship at least. Alviva's body was still though you could clearly tell that she was awake. I held my breath when Her head snapped up just as Emily was in front of her. She looked mad, her eyes wondering around the room quickly before they landed on us. "YOU!" she screamed looking directly at Amity.

Amity flinched and stood behind Alaric "H-How? I couldn't even get one! and you have two?! you little -" Alviva was just shouting profanities and curses at this point. Alaric rolled his eyes before turning back "No you little-"I placed my hand up to make him be quiet, well in a polite gesture to be quiet. I honestly wouldn't have minded if he kept saying insults towards Alviva, that would fill me with a little bit of pride. Though ""Alaric, we have more important information to discuss" seemed to get his attention well enough. Emily was beside us , considering she could walk through the fire which I found fascinating . "Alviva you have some explaining to do."

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