chapter 34

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the plan was rubbish, I did not like the plan one little bit and Alaric seemed to find it amusing . "Are you trying to torture me?" I asked him very seriously , staring him in the eyes as he started right back at me . "Well I wouldn't say that it was purposefully torturous but rather intentionally ...effective and our only!" he clapped his hands together and stood up before facing us .

"This is what you do when I leave? just sit and do nothing?" he asked as he sat with his feet up on the table after unlocking the door. "we usually talk and eat though Maddox-"I started to turn to Maddox who was looking rather pale "Doesn't seem to be wanting food...thanks for that..." Maddox seemed to be in a daze as he reached into his bag and pulled out a packed lunch, he opened it, took a small round thing out, popped it in his mouth and put the box away. He seemed to do that when he was anxious or nervous, he would eat one thing at a time instead of taking his lunch right out of his bag and have it there in front of him.

I sighed as Maddox stayed silent before giving a small glare to Alaric "you've made him speechless...that's my job." Alaric smirked at me "I didn't know that you could be such a flirt chester, or a romantic. No wonder Alviva has the hots for you." he sounded almost flirtatious himself . though i wasn't the only one to pick up on it.

"Um...Alaric, Amity said that you were her boyfriend...I know you want to help her but isn't helping us...the opposite of that?" Maddox asked very timidly,, I saw his arm twitch a little bit when he said alaric's name, as though he was going to put his hand up and ask for permission to speak.

Alaric swung around in the office chair a few times "Well-" he started before getting cut off by what seemed to be dizziness. "Ugh , we've known each other for a long time and I do really like her, but ever since she's been so focused on getting her mother's attention she has ...forgotten about our friendship and the value that it had...well that's what it feels like anyways."

I felt a bit sorry for him, again not too much as he did agree to kidnap a random person that he knew nothing about just because his girlfriend told him to. "Look we will do the plan and if it fails then we will be six feet in the ground unable to wallow in our own self pity . What i don't understand is..." I trailed off looking at Alaric "why do you pick now to reveal to us that you are luke? you've done a really bad job so far-" which lead to him exclaiming loudly "Hey!" he seemed like he wanted to say more but i continued anyway, ignoring him completely "I mean you were a very bad guide to maddox with not bringing your phone-" "I didn't have a phone!-" "With always leaving sick-""you try sneaking off when you have an obsessive girlfriend-" "and just not doing your job in general. now seems like a pretty awkward time to show us that you're Alaric"

he was glaring at me quite harshly by now, i was holding Maddox's hand which had became significantly tighter since i started talking , he was cowering a little bit as though he was expecting to be killed instantly for my harsh words. I stroked the back of his hand with my thumb as Alaric gained a smirk and said "Well mister Allerton I know for one that you had a very bad dream last night, oh you seem to have gotten a little pale, bit of your past came to bite you in the a-"

He was interrupted by the door opening and some students coming in to see fi the room was free , well we presumed that was why they came in , they didn't actually say anything to us which was rather rude . I was happy to see that Maddox was eating some fo his lunch, though he was still putting the box back every time he took something out of it which was concerning. He was taking this...alright , he doesn't seem to be too, distressed by the supernatural world . He's more scared of messing up social conventions then being cursed.

It almost put a smile on my face but i stopped it before it could take formation , I just basked in the small amount of joy that it left me. "well yes i didn't have the most pleasent of dreams last night-" I started to stand up and put my bag over my shoulder and pick up Maddox's bag "I assumed Amity had something to do with this? oh and how the heck did she not realize it was you?"

Alaric scoffed and he was suddenly luke again "Heck what the bloody hell are you talking about? who uses the word heck? and for your information Amity doesn't know that i can shape shift, Alviva does ....but Amity doesn't so keep your mouth shushed." I was slightly confused as to what he meant by the comment of "heck" and "hell" as I have never really been one to sue bad language , though i also have not witnessed more people using the word 'hell' perhaps i just don't talk to enough people to have noticed?

I sighed and opened the door for maddox "you didn't answer the question luke... and i'm still doing your job" I trailed off a little at the end as I pressed the button on the lift for it to come up. "Well your highness I'm sorry that i thought you enjoyed being a loyal dog to your boyfriend, and of course Amity had something to do with it, are you that daft? you would have noticed if Alviva stepped into your mind, you can smell that woman from a mile away."

I thought about what he said for a moment before nodding in agreement, I waited to make sure that maddox was okay and sent im a reassuring smile when he sent me a concerned look "that's true..." I trailed off as i let the4 awkwardness consume us ."Umm Luke? you said that you knew amity since you were children?" Luke nodded in a response to Maddox's statement "Then how come she doesn't know that you can shape-shift?"

I applauded Maddox in my head as I had honestly not thought twice about that particular detail Luke had a sour look on his face as he grimaced a little bit" well we're up against a jealous witch who thinks love doesn't exist , she also has a certain dislike and jealousy towards her daughter...I'll let you figure out the rest."

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