chapter 22

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I was starting to believe more and more that having a child was the worst decision of my life, I only had time to look after her , I couldn't concentrate on finding love. I needed someone to love and love me back after all of my previous attempts at love failed. We were moving to a new place and I had high hopes that there will be someone who I can love. I couldn't bring my daughter with me though, I had to leave her with a friend of mine. She had a son who was the same age so I hoped that they would get along . Though I am starting to care less and less about friendships , at least one of us will be happy in the end.

I yawned as I closed the book and rolled over to fall asleep, with thoughts of Maddox being the thing which lulled me to sleep. We had left the night on the best note that it could have been. I was ecstatic that he decided to stay with me despite knowing that I was cursed ,said curse involving him . He was nervous around Alviva but then again he was nervous around everyone.

The next day Maddox had agreed to go out with me again, he also seemed to find comfort within books, despite not being able to read them comfortably. I hadn't forgotten the fact that Amity knew that we were meeting up , I had hoped that she had forgotten though. When I had arrived at Maddox house he gave me a peck on the cheek with a smile and a hug, it was a different greeting then what i was used to but I hoped that soon I would get used to this.

We walked hand in hand into the bookstore, Thomas giving us a wave whilst jessica bounced over to us. She glanced at our linked hands and her smile became even bigger, if that was possible . "Hello Chester! seemed that book was from an angel after all yes?" I almost blushed, my emotions nearly took complete control, though I did feel Maddox's grip on my hand tighten. I looked to him and he had a cheeky smile on his face and a knowing glint in his eyes.

"I guess you could say that Jessica." I replied whilst kissing Maddox's forehead, I heard some complaints from the back of the shop but when I looked it was children, they were just grossed out at the action of kissing in general. Well I hope that they were . I recognised the kids as regulars here, their parents were friends with Jessica and thomas if i remember correctly.

Maddox smiled at me sweetly again before turning to jessica "Hello, are you doing well today?" Jessica almost gushed over his politeness as she replied "I am doing very well thank you! my day has gotten brighter now that I know mister Chester here has finally put a smile on his face...and meant it." Her response made me scoff with a smile . I thought that if i rolled my eyes so much in such a short amount of time that they may fall out.

"Anyway.." I started as I pulled Maddox towards the seating area "We are going to go over here, shout if you need anything okay? okay." I felt Maddox struggle to give a wave to Jessica without dropping his cane. Yet he succeeded and we were sat down with respective books in our hands, I honestly didn't think about it much until I saw Maddox rub his eyes. I frowned but then my eyes widened in realization. His eyes were tired and he couldn't read.

I sighed before sitting up straight, feeling a tiny bit foolish for not realizing sooner before I pat the spot next ot me on the settee, we were close but he was on another settee . "come here ." I said politely and quietly which he complied with. He sat next to me holding the book that he was reading in hand, Looking at the cover I could see it was a self-help meditation book. I wasn't too interested but I felt bad for leaving him to read on his own , with occasional conversation. It wasn't very gentlemanlike of me and I couldn't help the guilt which weighed my chest down.

I gently took the book off him before wrapping an arm around him and allowing his head to lean on my chest as I started to read the book to him. I could feel the heat radiating off his cheeks as I did this but that soon cooled down as we got further and further into the book. Soon enough he had closed his eyes and was listening intently, from time to time he would ask if there were any pictures on the page or ask a general question about the certain topic that was being talked about.

The book wasn't very long though it was very enjoyable to read with Maddox, I found a new appreciation for the topic and once we were done Maddox happily started to converse with me about it. I had enjoyed our little activity and I had hopes that it would become 'our thing' no matter how cheesy that sounds. I didn't miss the stares that we were getting, mainly happy stares from Jessica and thomas though there were some disapproving stares. I decided to focus on the happy stares though ,

Now we were just looking at some funny or interactive books that Maddox brought over to me, he seemed to like sitting on the floor in front of shelves and looking through each individual book . I wasn't the only one who noticed as soon enough Thomas brought me a stool from the back room to sit on whilst he looked. He would occasionally hand me books to have a look at and I would tell him my opinions on it. Perhaps he had the same idea as I did, perhaps he enjoyed being read to.

I decided to test my theory "Maddox, are you looking for anything specific?" he looked up at me with a smile and pointed at me "I'm looking for something that we would both enjoy! I enjoyed hearing you read to me yes, but i'm not sure if you enjoyed the book, so i was finding something that we would both enjoy." I found his consideration of my likes and dislikes to be very cute, of course it's Maddox everything he does is cute .I chuckled and replied with "Maddox I really enjoyed reading with you and simply enjoying your company, your conversation is enough to keep me interested in anything. Trust me we could be talking about phomemes and it would be interesting"

I couldn't keep a straight face and neither could he , we were silently laughing in the corner , Maddox nearly had tears in his eyes as he shook his head "No no! anything but the phonetics." which caused us to start laughing again. Though all good things must come to an end . We were still looking through the books and I was holding a few as we heard two people approaching us.

I turned my head to see well some undesirable people behind us

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