seventy six|full circle

489 13 29

*5 years later*

"Oliver," Awsten said to the brown haired boy.

After no response, he huffed.

"Oliver James Knight."

"Hmm?" the boy hummed, playing with the wind-up car.

"Can you please put the car away until I say so, I'm trying to focus on something."


I smiled and ruffled his hair as he ran off to go play with his sister.

"I'll be folding laundry in the living room, call me if you need anything."

He grabbed my arm and pulled me down, kissing me.

"I love you so much."

I smiled and rubbed his neck.

"I love you so much more."

I walked past Eve's room and saw her showing Ollie how to jump rope. Well, she was trying anyway.

"Hey, be careful with that."

"We will mom," she said, turning her attention back to her brother.

I shook my head and kept walking, reaching the basket containing our clothes. I turned on music, hearing American History by Waterparks play through the speakers.

"Why!" Awsten yelled, making me laugh. "I was in my early 20's, my voice sounds so bad."

"Not true, I love it."

"That's dad?" Eve said, walking out into the living room.

"Yep," he said, grabbing her attention, "it's also Uncle Geoff and Uncle Otto."

"Woah," she said, still listening to the song, "you sound cool."

We both laughed as she walked away.

"Hey, so I have an idea," he said, turning to me.


"So your parents are coming next week, huh?"


"How about we go visit them. So we can see both of our parents, and so we can bring the kids around to places like Boomtown and the park."

I grinned up at him.

"Yes yes please, that would be so fun."

"Okay, let's do it. Maybe I can talk Geoff, Chloe, and Rory into coming too so they can meet up with us."

"Definitely. You work on that, I'll call my parents and let them know the game plan."

"Got it."


"Hey hey hey, stop that," I said sternly after seeing Ollie pull on Tot's tail, "that hurts him."

"Oh," he said simply. Tot was about 6 by now and he still looked really young.

"You guys wanna come up to the table? I made tacos."

"YES!" Evelyn yelled. Tacos were her current favorite food and honestly, I couldn't blame her.

"So, you guys know we're flying to Texas tomorow."


"You guys are packed?" I said, placing a lettuce leaf over the cheese.

"Almost," Eve said reach across the table.

"Hey, manners," Awsten said.

"Oh yeah, sorry, can you please pass the salsa?"

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