thirty nine|birthday

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"Happy birthday dear Charlie," Awsten sang the loudest, "happy birthday to you."

I laughed and blew out the single candle placed in the cake. Everyone cheered and Awsten bent down to kiss my temple.

"What'd you wish for?"

"Why on earth would I tell you that? Everyone knows the rules."

He laughed and rubbed my back, my mom cutting the cake. Geoff and my dad were talking about something, Otto was helping my mom cut the cake, Emma, Jess, and Clayton were all having a friendly argument.

"You look nice." Awsten admired my dress.

"I'm surprised you haven't fu-"

He put his hand over my mouth and I giggled. My mom raised an eyebrow, which made me laugh harder. Everyone grabbed a piece of cake and started eating. It was fucking amazing, my mom made everything from scratch. There was a knock at the door and Clayton got it, Jawn and Daphne walked in and handed me a bag.

"Sorry we're late, Daph really needed to get you the perfect gift."

I hugged the two, assuring them it was okay and I turned back to where Awsten was no longer standing. I raised an eyebrow and looked around, Geoff catching my attention and pointing to the hall. I looked down and my dad was talking to Awsten about something so I shrugged.

A couple minutes had gone by and he walked out, waving me over. That's when I noticed how red his face was. My mom walked into the hall, having to pass us.

"Remember a couple days ago when we..."

I nodded, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah, anyway, you said 'what if my parents come back'?"

I nodded again and he laughed nervously.

"You were right."

I felt my face heat up and covered my mouth. I looked over at them talking. I'm sure it wasn't a surprise to them, it's just something I didn't want them to hear. I became aware of the awkward tension between my parents and I but I attempted to laugh it off.


He seemed to relax, snaking an arm around my waist and pulling me closer. My parents walked out of the hall and awkwardly smiled at us, which I found kinda funny.

"What did he talk to you about?" I whispered to Awsten.

"He like, didn't get mad, just expressed slight disappointment? And then he goes 'did you uh, use, protection?' and I got uncomfortable and just went 'yes, yes, of course, like always."

I covered my face and laughed, Awsten giggling along.

"Yeah, which made it worse. He goes 'like.. always?' and I just awkwardly nodded."

I smiled and shook my head, walking over to my mom.

"Thank you for this."

She smiled and patted me on the head.

"I will never look at you the same."

I laughed which lifted the tension a little bit.

After about 10 minutes, we decided to open gifts. Amy and Jared bought me something but they couldn't come because of school. Which was fine, I understand that stress.

I opened Emma's first. It was a painting she painted for me, it was a sunset with the silhouette of us. I only knew it was us because it's my favorite picture of us. I actually think I cried a little, but I cried like a baby when I read her card. Jess got me a customized mug with really, uhm, not great pictures of us which was hilarious. She got me like, 8 different kinds of tea because I'm a freak for tea, and finally a box of screen protectors because the one I have is busted.

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