eleven|drift apart

551 17 14

I woke up to birds chirping. How dare they wake me up this early? I opened my eyes and immediately noticed this was not my room. I remembered last night, and how my window wouldn't close, so Awsten...

I tried to turn over, but I couldn't. He had an arm wrapped around my waist and I was pulled to him so tight I thought he was gonna break me. I felt my face heat up and tried to wiggle free, but in doing that, I woke him up.

"What are you doing?" I heard from behind me.

His morning voice echoed through my bones and my face turned red again.

"Uhm, I was trying to leave without waking you, but-"

"Oh yeah, sorry."

He lifted his arm and sat up, stretching. I stood up and regretted it, so I laid back down. He laughed at me.

"What's that for?"

"I was gonna leave but I missed the warmth."

He smiled at me before sitting back, getting on his phone. I watched him scroll through Twitter, showing me something every once and a while, and I just laid on the bed in the warmth.

"Hey, you guys, breakfast!"

I finally rolled out of bed and stretched which felt great. I walked out of Awsten's room and into mine, going to grab some socks. The window was closed. I looked at it for a second before putting the socks on and walking downstairs.

"Hey uh, the window was broken last night."

"Yeah, we went upstairs to wake you up and you weren't in there." Lorie said, smirking. I knew exactly what she was doing.

"Who saw it?"

"I did!" Jack yelled, shoving his phone screen in my face. It displayed a picture of Awsten and I sleeping.

"You guys were cuddling!" Lorie couldn't contain her grin.

"We were not, my window was broken and he offered for me to stay there, that's all."

"Yeah, but it doesn't take away from you being little spoon." Jack said, raising his eyebrows.

I rolled my eyes as Awsten appeared in the kitchen.

"Sorry, I got distracted by Bandit."

"It's okay, sit down and dig in!"

It went like that for the rest of the week. But we started to get closer. I slept in his bed again that night just because I could, and for the remainder of the week. We started getting more comfortable in grabbing each other's hands, and just a bunch of flirty stuff. Lorie and Jack, of course, made fun of me every time something happened.

Awsten and Jack found an old amp in the garage so he played with his new guitar a lot and I watched him whenever he did. He played me some songs he was writing for Waterparks' new album, and out of all the ones he showed me, my favorite was Not Warriors.

Everything was going fine until the ride back home. For about half of the time we were both awake, Awsten wouldn't talk to me. It made me kinda sad actually. I didn't really know what I did wrong, if I did anything wrong. It was so awkward that I let out an audible sigh of relief when I saw the "Welcome to Texas" sign.

I looked over at Awsten to tell him we were here but he had his headphones in. Go figure. I drove to the place where he was staying before and dropped him off. I helped him unload some of his stuff, and we actually talked a little bit.

"Sorry I'm so quiet, I'm just thinking." He said, looking at the ground.

"It's okay, I understand."

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