fifty three|over reacting

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𝔸𝕨𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

It's been three days.

I started at the message with the word "Read" underneath. I sighed and put my phone face down. I know I'm over reacting. I know I am. But I can't help it.

I was very on edge considering we were yelling at each other less than 24 hours before I left. So I can't help but think that maybe I said something. Because what if I did?

"Hey, guys, we gotta get to the venue, like, now." Lucas said, running into the bus. We all stood up, following him out and running across the parking lot.

We were in there for a couple hours and it felt like years. We played sound check, got hyped up, talked during the opening shows, and finally, we were up.

I tried to get my energy up, but I was tired. And my mind was everywhere other than where it should've been. And people definitely noticed. The meet and greet after was exhausting. I love meeting people but I just needed a nap. And a shower, I felt gross.

"This is incredible!" Geoff said, shoving my shoulder and showing me an art piece someone drew. It was a cartoon like drawing of all of us from the Dream Boy music video.

"Holy shit, yeah, that's super cool!"

The girl who stood there pushed her hands into her face to hide the redness.

"Y'all are so talented, how old are you?"


"Goddamn," I said, looking back at the drawing. "Yeah, this is cool."

We took a picture together and she handed Otto a letter. It said, "this is for all of you, thank you" on the envelope.

The next kid gave us all personalized drawing. Otto's was him and Grace, Geoff's was him, Chloe, and Rory, and mine was obviously Charlie and I. And it was really good.

All of them had words on the back that looked like letters and the whole thing was just crazy.

Like I said, I loved meeting people. But I was fucking tired. There were plenty people who asked me if I was okay because they could tell my mind wasn't fully into it. Some people yawned after me which was funny, but once that was over, I walked back too the bus and crashed. I woke up a couple hours later with Jawn next to me, editing photos from tonight's show.

"Hey," he whispered when I sat up.

"What time is it?" I rubbed my eyes.

"Uhhhh, 1:38."

"Why the fuck are you awake?"

"I got some sleep, don't worry about me. You need to go to sleep so your schedule doesn't get too far out of wack. Remember how shit Warped was?"

I nodded and walked into the bathroom, changing into more comfortable sleeping clothes. I decided to take a shower in the morning. I was about to walk back to the bunks before I heard Jawn talk again.

"You might wanna check your phone. It was going off like crazy earlier."

I felt a knot wind up in my stomach. I nodded and walked back into the bunks where I saw my phone laying on my bed, plugged in. Thank God someone charged it.

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