seventy one|water

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"This is stupid," I pouted, throwing my keys in our little bowl and plopping on the couch.

"You made the decision to stay home and gave me orders to not let you out unless absolutely needed, like doctor's visits. Seeing fireworks is not needed."

"Yeah, but it'd be fun," I frowned and Awsten sat down beside me, "and you can go anywhere. I can't."

"I know. But I have to go places, I have to get food. And I mean, you have that video from what, two years a-"

"The one you said wouldn't come in handy?" I laughed.

"Yeah, that one. Or, I'm sure there'll be a live stream of it somewhere. But I think it'll be fun. I can play songs for you and we could put the fireworks on the wall through the projector."

I smiled at Awsten, who was obviously trying really hard to make me happy. I always went and watched fireworks live, every single year. One year I even did it alone. It's like a personal tradition, but I was willing to sacrifice this year.

I trilled my lips which caught the attention of Tot. He came up and laid where Awsten was about to sit down, which made me laugh.

"I think he likes you more than me."

"Probably," I responded, playing with the dog's ears.

After a couple minutes of waiting, Awsten picked up Tot and moved him over so he could sit by me. I grabbed out my phone, kind of upset over it, scrolling through Twitter. So many people setting up for it just bummed me out.

I sighed and felt a hand on my stomach. Then a giggle.

"She kicked," Awsten said simply.

I smirked and raised an eyebrow.

"She? How do you know?"

He looked at me and shook his head.

"I didn't ask. I'm just sticking with my gut on this one. She's a girl."

I rolled my eyes and ruffled his hair. We sat on the couch and talked about next month. Our lives would get increasingly busier. And that was okay. As long as we had room. And we did not have room.

Everything happening at once was, although terrifying, really fun and exciting. There was no agenda, no matter how hard we tried. Whatever happens, happens.

After we ate lunch, we just sat on the couch together and talked. This being the most stable, healthy relationship I'd ever been in, I was comfortable talking about most everything. Which felt really nice.

Awsten tried to distract me from the fact that it was getting dark and that the Fourth of July firework show was going to start in a couple hours. However, because it was tradition, I knew. And I think he knew that because he groaned and stood up, silently walking into the kitchen.


He started making sandwiches and cutting apple slices.

"Awsten, what?"

"I'm making us food, I'm gonna take you to see fireworks."

I instantly felt happier, but I was confused by the change of heart. I walked over and hugged him from behind the best I could and he laughed at me.

"Shut up, I'm gonna go get changed."

"Yell if you need anything," he said as I walked away.

Getting dressed increasingly got harder as the months went on but I was determined to do it by myself. However, it felt like too much work to look super nice, so I settled on a white t-shirt and a baby blue skirt. After struggling for 20 minutes, I finally managed to look presentable, makeup included.

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