forty one|new space

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this was the most domestic and grossly cute filler i've ever read/wrote


I stuck the key into the mail box and pulled out more bills, frowning. Adulting is annoying. The annoying people who live in the apartment above me passed by and I rolled my eyes. I walked up the stairs, approaching the door and knocking.

When the door flung open, Elijah was smiling while Awsten was inside, sitting upside down on the couch.

"I was gone for five minutes, what have you done?"

He laughed and Awsten tried to laugh, obviously hurting something while doing so. I've been living in LA for a good two months and it hasn't been that bad. Not being able to go to HEB, the staple of Texas in my opinion, has been heartbreaking. Not being able to talk to Em and Jess in person has been annoying but at least we've not completely lost contact. Telling my mom was obviously difficult, but I said "at least it's an excuse to finally visit California" just to make it easier.

Moving wasn't too bad, but it was obviously worse than when I moved from Austin to Houston. Luckily though, I had Awsten to help and he'd already done this once before which was a plus. He was really patient through the whole process, considering I can barley lift 50 pounds so he had to do a lot of the moving. We traded his furniture with mine if mine was better, but for the most part I sold it or gave it away.

My parents finished their basement so they needed furniture, that's where the majority of it went. Clayton got some stuff, so did Emma and Jess. I think Geoff and Chloe got my coffee table, I don't know. I just didn't need it anymore, which was an upside because I got money for putting simple twists on Awsten's place.

There were downsides, yes, being away from my friends and family, being in a new environment, plus it did cost more. But upsides weighed out: being around Awsten, it works better with my job, and I've always wanted to live in California. But so far it's been pretty fun. Awsten let me help him dye his hair bright green for the new Waterparks era and while it did take some getting used to, I actually love it.

I sat the mail down on the counter and sat down next to Awsten. His face was red from hanging upside-down and his laughing didn't seem to find a stopping point.

"So, how're you liking LA?" Elijah asking, taking a drink of water.

"I mean, it's alright. I prefer Texas but then again, I've never lived anywhere else."

He nodded and I sighed, turning so my back was against Awsten and my legs were hanging off the arm of the sofa. I laid my head back, feeling his muscle as he flexed his arm.

"Well, it's been fun, but I've been here for like, three hours when I was only supposed to drop in and say hi. I'll catch you guys later, yeah?"

"Totally. We gotta actually hang out, like, at a place." Awsten said, not making an effort to move.

"Hundred percent. See ya later Charlie."

"Bye," I mumbled, earning laughs from the boys. I heard the door shut and felt his arm wiggle. I groaned and lifted my head, laying back down once he got up.

"You can't be tired, it's 4:30."

"Exactly, it's four thirty."

He laughed softly and wandered into the bathroom. I sat up and walked into the kitchen, starting on dinner. We were eating early so we could eat ice cream later and not feel like shit. After pouring water into the pot and started to boil it, I got out everything I needed for our pasta and started cutting the little orange tomatoes in half. The shower started running which meant I had time to finish this. I got my laptop and turned on Sunset Season by Conan Gray. I genuinely loved this EP and it always made me feel really nostalgic, something I've sensed lately.

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