forty four|fouth of july

366 13 3

this chapter is so pure, im sorry it's a filler but im trying to move the story along without skipping large chunks of time. but, like i said, it's very pure and wholesome so please enjoy it because im actually proud of it

𝔸𝕨𝕤𝕥𝕖𝕟'𝕤 ℙ𝕆𝕍

I sighed and rubbed my face.

"Fuck," I muttered staring at the computer screen. I called my producer, he was probably gonna be upset.

"Hey dude, calling past midnight? I'm guessing you're working?"


"Well, happy fourth!"

"Yeah, you too," I sighed. "So, I called you because something, uh, not great happened. I was moving around a song-"

"Oh no."

"Yeah, Cherry Red is fucked."

Zakk groaned and I felt even worse.

"What happened?"

"I was moving it around and all the files dumped out. I don't even know how, I was being super careful. You know I know how to move shit-"

"Yeah, I know. Alright, well, drop it into the soundboard and see how close you can get it. I don't know what else to tell you man. I'll help as much as I can, put me on speaker."

Damn, he sounded disappointed. Setting my phone against the computer, I dropped the parts and pressed play, and what happened was so beautiful it melted my brain.

"Holy shit."

"Did you hear the way it all came in at once!?" He exclaimed. "You might have just done something!"

I laughed and listened to the rest of it, making a statement towards the end.

"Nope nope nope, I love it. This is it, this is Cherry Red."

After we hung up, I E-mailed Geoff the new file and made sure to save it. My phone died, so I decided I should shut down my computer and go to bed. I looked at the clock face and a bright 3:47 am was the only thing lighting up the room.

Genuinely shocked at the time, I stood up and stretched, hearing my knee pop. My living room was completely pitch black and I groaned. I shuffled my way through the room, trying not to hit my shin on any end table or stub my toe on the chair. After making my way to the bathroom, I looked at myself in the mirror. Blood shot eyes and messy hair, but not too bad over all.

I brushed my teeth and combed through my hair with my fingers, then decided to find my bed. I vaguely knew where everything was because I've been living there for half a year, but it was also dark and I was tired. I felt my way across the wall, feeling the doorway for the kitchen. I stuck my hand out and squinted. Why was it so fucking dark?

Suddenly, I felt something grab my hand. I yanked it back and yelled, hearing a quick scream in return. I nearly threw a fist forward but thank God I didn't because I heard a familiar laugh, calming my nerves.

"Jesus Christ Charlie, I thought you were asleep!" I giggled, panic still present in my voice.

"The neighbors definitely think someone just got murdered," she laughed, leaning back to turn on the light.

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