twenty one|hanging out

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I felt something shift next to me which scared the shit out of me. I opened my eyes and looked down, seeing Charlie's face tucked into my chest. I smiled, remembering yesterday. I grabbed my phone off the bedside table and texted Geoff to see how Chloe and Rory were doing. I heard a knock on the door making me jump. I shook Charlie a little bit but of course it didn't work.

She's not a morning person.

I slipped my arm out of her grip and sat up, rubbing my face. I walked out into the living room and over to the door. I looked through the peep hole and there was a girl around Charlie's age standing there.

I swear I've seen this girl before.

"Who is it?" I heard Charlie behind me. Her hair was a mess and she looked really cute.

"I don't know but I swear I've seen her before."

She walked over to look through the peep hole and smiled.

"Go put a shirt on, it's Jessie."

I felt my face turn red and I walked back into her room. I picked up my shirt and slipped it on my body as I heard Charlie greet her friend. I walked out and Jessie raised an eyebrow.


"Oh, Awsten. Yeah, we were hanging out last night."

"Yeah, 'hanging out'. I'm sure that's why he came out of your bedroom." Jessie laughed as both of us turned red. "I'm just kidding. I know who you are, Charlie won't shut up about you."

"Bitch." Charlie hit her arm. I grinned.

"But also, I was there when you and Charlie met. The first time, during Warped."

"So that's where I know you from!"

Jessie laughed and turned to Charlie.

"So what am I supposed to do?"

"Help! I was struggling yesterday because someone," she looked at me, "didn't show up."

"Hey," I stuck my hands up in defense, "I had a good reason."

"Well, you can help now!"

"No actually. I'm really sorry but I gotta get home, my mom has definitely called Geoff about me by now."

"Just text her." Jessie shrugged.

I walked into the kitchen for some space to call up my mom. After ringing a couple times, someone finally picked up.


"Awsten!" Gracie yelled into the phone.

"Jesus! Yeah, okay, so tell mom I'm helping a friend move in so I'll be home later."


And with that, she hung up. I shrugged and walked back out to see Charlie attempting to push her couch and Jessie was laughing. I raised an eyebrow and Jessie laughed even harder. Charlie turned to me and explained.

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