twenty six|human

513 15 1

this ends so cute skckvkekvi okay sorry enjoy


"When you go, leave those feelings, home alone, busted pieces, why love myself when I found you instead?"

I listened to Awsten sing softly in the kitchen. Ever since the one night at Geoff's I head that phrase, it kept popping up. I left a note in his phone and that was in there, I've heard him sing it in multiple different melodies, it's just kind of everywhere.

I want to go out and do something, but I also just want to lounge here with Awsten all day. I mean, he's been gone for three months. Cuddling and stuff would be nice.

"Good morning! Or afternoon, it's 11."

My thoughts were interrupted by the purple haired boy. He wore grey sweatpants and nothing else.

"You look hot." I said plainly, not even batting an eye.

"Really?" He grinned, showing off his beautiful smile. "Cuz so do you."

"I doubt that," I ran a hand down my face. "Bare face, messy hair-"

"My clothes." He sat down and kissed me, smiling into it.

Once again, oxygen, an essential part of life, so we had to pull away. He smiled at me, staring at my face.

"You're really pretty."

"Thank you darling."

His face turned red. I smirked and he stood up, grabbing my hand and pulling me out of my bedroom.

"I made breakfast."


I observed the quiet boy sitting very still.

Awsten sat down on my couch about an hour ago and he hasn't moved since. It was kind of freaking me out. I walked over with caution and grabbed his hand. I raised it up and kissed it, earning no reaction whatsoever. I huffed and crouched down, my blue eyes meeting his multicolored ones.

I bent forward and kissed him, wrapping my arms around his neck. He kissed me back, first movement other than blinking and breathing in the past hour. His hands went down to my torso and he placed them right above my hips. His thumbs rubbed circles into my stomach and I felt butterflies. He pulled away and cleared his throat.

"Sorry, I was thinking."

I shook my head.

"It's okay. I just wanted to see if you were okay."

He flashed a small smiled before leaning back on the couch and grabbing my hand, pulling me to land against him.

Emma saying "Four months" rang through my head as he pulled me closer. I shifted so instead of hovering over him, I was kind of sitting on his lap. His hands went to my neck as he closed the gap between us. And thus began my plans for the day: make out with Awsten. He tilted his head to deepen the kiss and moved one hand to my hip, then snaked the other to my back underneath my shirt, sending chills up my spine.

This was the first time us kissing evolved that fast. My lips started feeling sore when I heard my door handle start to move. I attempted to pull away but Awsten wouldn't let me. I didn't mind.

"I said hello!" We heard Geoff yell from outside my door.

Awsten pulled away and rolled his eyes before looking at me and smirking.

"Your lips are pretty busted, doll."

"So are yours."

I untangled myself from him and walked towards the door. Geoff stood there with
one hand in his pocket, the other raised in the position to knock again.

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