thirty five|promise

442 11 4

I looked at myself in the mirror. Plain white t-shirt, leggings, red and black flannel tied around my waist incase it got cold. It's December, you never know. And of course, my black Converse. It was basic but nice. I grabbed my drawstring bag and slung it around my shoulder, grabbing my phone, keys, and out the door I went.

"Hey Charlie, where you headed?" Clayton smiled at me, unlocking his apartment door.

"My boyfriend's playing a show a town over so I'm trying to get there before him so we can hang out all day. I wanna see his pink hair."

Clay laughed, leaning against the frame on his door.

"Well, I hope you have fun."

"Thanks, you too with whatever you're doing."

We nodded at each other and I ran down the stairs and out to my car. I turned on my radio and "Can't Save Myself" by As It Is started playing as I began the three hour drive to Dallas. I would probably get there by 9:30 and tomorrow was on off day so I could hang out and watch the boys play today and then just do whatever tomorrow.

I sang along to whatever played. I read out road signs, yelled colors of cars, and just occupied my time any way I could. Three hours doesn't seem like a long time while driving but it feels like a long time when you can't wait or are excited for something so I was pretty conflicted.

I pulled up to where Otto told me to go, and I waited for 5 minutes before the bus arrived. I saw Geoff wave at me as I got out of my car and then a person run behind him. I laughed at Awsten ran out of the bus and over to me, wrapping me in a hug.

"Hi I missed you" he said into my shoulder. Geoff, Otto, Jawn and Lucas walked off the bus and stretched, walking over to where we stood, Awsten still clung to me. After he let go, we all talked about the ride here, Geoff telling stories of the tour, everything they had encountered. He even had "proof", showing me pictures of what he was talking about.

We followed Lucas and Jawn back into the bus, Awsten never leaving my side.

"Today the show is starting at 7:30 and will go to 9:30." Lucas said, getting everyone's attention. "Meaning, you guys need to be here for bus call at 5:30 so we can do soundcheck. You have about 8 hours to do whatever, I'll call or text you guys reminders or new plans if you're out which I'm guessing you will be."

He looked at me, smiling and nodding at me.

"Alright. Go do whatever you want to do."

Awsten immediately grabbed my hand and pulled me up, leading me out of the bus and to my car. He stuck out his hand for the keys, something he does every time he drives. We hopped in and Palaye Royale was playing. Driving out of the parking lot, he drummed his fingers on the steering wheel at every stop.

"What's wrong." I said, not looking up from my phone.

"Hmm?" He hummed, turning to me. I looked up and he was raising an eyebrow.

"You're fidgety. What's wrong?"

He didn't say anything. I shrugged and went back to Instagram.


He sighed. I looked up from my phone, and he was looking forward, very concentrated. He furrowed his eyebrows and took a deep breath.

"Actually, no, I'll tell you later."

I laughed nervously.

"No Awsten, I'm gonna be thinking about it all day now. It looks like it's bothering you, what's wrong. Seriously."

"I just dont want today to be ruined. I'm in a good mood," he reached for my hand, rubbing circles into the back of it, "I promise it's nothing too bad. I just, I don't want it to go badly. So I'll tell you tomorrow, just incase."

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