{46} Fiancé's and old friends

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❝ it's her.❞

:'this is no time to die.' ~billie eilish, no time to die

"I haven't seen Luna around, did she not return to Hogwarts?" Leah inquired, out of genuine curiosity, making eye contact with her red-headed friend through the mirror, while putting her hair in a tight ponytail. Ginny's face became more downcast as she sighed, before she began to explain.

"Luna was...taken by snatchers. Nobody's seen her since Christmas." The Slytherin Girl gasped and shook her head, a sullen look overtaking her features as well.

"Bloody Salazar..."

"You can say that." She chuckled briefly, easing the tension.

Leah Nightingale felt a sharp sting in the right side of her head, as a godawful migraine hit her. "Fuck." She muttered, squeezing her eyes shut. She reached for the parchment that laid in front of her, and the quill. Though her eyes were closed, she started sketching a symbol.

The same one, over and over.

The entire piece of parchment was covered in it. She didn't seem to be breathing in between, just solely focused on drawing the odd triangular symbol. Only did she come back to earth, when Ginny Weasley laid a hand on her shoulder.

"Hey? Leah?" She nodded hesitantly and blinked a few times, rubbing her eyes. "What was that?!" The Gryffindor shrieked.

"D'know." She mumbled distantly, driving a hand over her face, looking down onto the parchment that laid in her lap. "The Deathly Hallows." She remarked, interested.

"I'm so confused." Ginny spoke again, obviously not used to Leah's disorientation after vision-like experiences.

"Harry's victory," Leah mumbled to herself, realising what the sudden urge to draw the symbol meant. "I need to find Harry and warn him about the Elder Wand." She said as she stood up, and stumbled over to the closet in the room. Ginny confusedly trailed behind her.

"Leah, I don't think that's a good idea-you'd never find him." She said wearily, to which Leah shook her head.

"I'll be fine. I was shown the symbol for a reason. I'm going to go off grounds to apparate. Continue the lessons without me. I don't know when I'll be back." The Gryffindor blinked in surprise.

"Surely you can't just leave!"

"I know what I'm doing, Gin." She smiled gently, fastening her dusty purple cloak. "Don't worry about me." Leah felt an unbelievably severe urge to find Harry Potter, and tell him what she knew. It had to be important, otherwise she wouldn't be feeling like this. There must've been a reason she was shown the Elder Wand.


"What do you mean, she is gone?" The Dark Lord demanded, his voice colder than the usual, already icy tone. Severus Snape kept his cool as he replied.

"She rebelled, My Lord. Started her own little defence army, and when she was caught- she went into the hiding. We've combed through the castle, but she's nowhere to be found."

"Of course." He sneered, and scowled. "She's locked herself in the ever-so-handy Room Of Requirement."

"What should I do, My Lord?"

"Let her rot. She's too scared to come out." He smirked evilly. "We'll just make her pay after the victory. Break open the room, and torture her in front of her precious little army." Severus Snape swallowed thickly, and nodded.

"Yes, My Lord." He glanced over to where the young Malfoy was seated, only to see him shaking in his chair. This unsettled both of the women that sat next to him. His mother, and his fiancé. The Greengrass girl had the same look of horror on her face as Draco, and Severus Snape sympathised with the teens. They'd seen and heard far too much for their age.

"Draco?" The Potions Master drawled after the meeting, just before he could disappear back to his room. "A word." Draco's jaw clenched, but he nodded nonetheless.

"Sure, Professor." Draco followed him into the drawing room at the front of the Manor. "What?"

"I'm sorry, Draco. I told her to lay low and behave.." He sighed. "You've gotten yourself a stubborn little witch." Draco seemed to beam at the mention of her as his. He had missed it.

"I do, don't I?" He smiled proudly. "This defence army-" He was cut off.

"She gathered younger years, and taught them basic defence charms etcetera." Draco's smile only seemed to be growing.

"She's amazing."

"And foolish." He interjected the in-love boy with an eye roll. "To think she could continue it on forever." Draco's jaw clenched yet again, and his eyes coloured a dangerous darker grey as he stepped forward.

"Speak badly of Leah again, Snape. I dare you." The Malfoy Boy growled, and Severus Snape couldn't hold his chuckle.

"Protective, are we Mr Malfoy?" He taunted with a smirk. "It's not me you must worry about. I felt her leave Hogwarts' wards during the meeting. She's no longer there." Draco tilted his head in confusion.

"Where would she go?" He wondered aloud.


She apparated once off Hogwarts grounds, and focused on the sole place she needed to find.

Wherever Harry Potter was.

She landed herself deep inside a forest, in the depth of the night. The only sheer source of light was the moon. Not that she minded, though. She wandered through the forest for a while, just following her gut feeling, which led her right into Ron Weasley's line of sight. From their side of the protective charm.

"Mate!" He whispered to Harry, who quickly shuffled his way over, the leaves crunching under his shoes.

"Blimey Ron." He spoke with a slight sliver of excitement.

"What are you two nimwits-" Hermione Granger started, but stopped herself as she saw Leah glance their way. Hermione smacked the back of Ron's head, to which he yelped. She murmured something along the lines of; 'Seriously Ronald! You forgot to soundproof the area?!'

Unsuspectingly, Leah Nightingale walked closer to where the trio stood. "Hmm..-" She hummed softly. "Why would Harry be in a forest?"

"To hide from Snatchers." He replied wittily, from behind the charm- so still, it seemed like she was talking to no one but the trees.

"Thank Salazar. Okay, I need to tell you something-Harry I think it's really important." She felt like an idiot, just standing there, on her own, talking to a disembodied voice.

"How can we be sure it's you?" Ron Weasley interfered, curiously.

"Erm, well.." She thought hard. What was something she'd said to them and only them? "After I kissed you, Ron. By the lake, I told you we'd finally found a way to avoid Malfoy's pestering. Remember?" She prayed to Merlin and Circe that he did.

"It's her." A muffled voice sounded. Leah shrieked when she was suddenly pulled inside the wards that shielded the Trio.

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