{38} Us

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glad i impressed.

:'she's just like candy, she's so sweet.' ~doja cat, candy

"Why is He letting me stay with you?" She questioned wearily, looking at him in concern.

"Mother arranged something." He smiled. "We're safe for now." He held out his hand. "Come on! I want to show you something!" He dragged her outside, and into the garden, walking along one of the many paths in the incredibly major terrain that laid around Malfoy Manor.

"You're way too excited in the morning, I swear to Salazar." She complained, ignoring the pout that came from him, rolling her eyes as he continued to walk, but following him.

"I've been dying to show you this! Come on, Leah." He walked a few feet further, stopping in front of something that looked like an elegant altar. The entire place was like a perfect wedding venue. Flowers were growing almost everywhere around them, and she watched by in awe.

"Woah.." She mumbled, admiring the venue, and the man in front of her. He held out his hand, a slight smirk on his face.

"My lady-" He bowed. "May I have this dance?" She giggled, but nodded, laying her hand in his. He grinned and pulled it up, kissing it gently before pulling her in, laying his free hand on her hip. He quickly pulled out his wand and flicked it, before tucking it back into his pocket. Music filled the silence.

They danced to a wide variety of songs, most of which, to Leah's surprise, were muggle songs. Swaying around for what felt like hours, forgetting the world. Slowly, the clouds grew darker and the air colder, but they didn't care. They were together, and that was all that mattered.

"One day, I'll dance to this with you, on our wedding." He mumbled into her hair, smiling, humming along to the song.

"I'll keep you to that, Malfoy." She grinned up at him. Though she had slight trouble trying not to seem startled. He wanted to marry her?


"Lucius!" She whisper-shouted, holding out her hand. "Come here." The eldest Malfoy raised an eyebrow, following his wife's gaze with curiosity. There stood their son, proudly smiling as he danced around with the girl he called his.

Narcissa Malfoy swore that she slightly saw the corners of his mouth curl upwards.

"They've been out there for three hours. Just dancing." She smiled gently.

"Hm. We used to do that too.." He remarked, as for once, the frown on his face became slightly less prominent. "After we got engaged. We'd hide there from your mother." He chuckled slightly. She looked at him in surprise.

"You remember?"

He nodded stiffly.

"Of course I do. Those weeks were the best of my life, Cissa." He smiled gently. "We were careless, and happy."

"What have we done, Lucius?" She questioned hopelessly, looking into his eyes, which for a second, held more than the stern expression they always did.

"Made a mistake. And a big one." He mumbled, pulling her closer. "But I'm fixing it. No harm will come to her anymore."


It had since been a few weeks. Christmas was closing in on them.

She was awoken by the beams of sunlight, which fell through the slight gap in between the curtains that covered the window. She kept her eyes closed for a minute, taking a deep breath as she remember where she laid. She opened her eyes and smiled, eyeing the clothes that were scattered over the floor. She sighed contently as memories flashed through her mind. They'd had one hell of a night. Bare, she cuddled a bit closer to Draco's sleeping frame, and took a second to admire him.

He looked so much more peaceful asleep.

The slow rising and falling of his chest.

His hair was messy, for once.

He stirred a bit before opening his eyes.

"Morning." She said shyly, her voice small, a smile gracing her features.

"Morning, love." He smiled back at her, sitting up and pulling her up to sit next to him. "Why don't you stay up here? I'll go fetch us something to eat." He whispered, huskily, pressing a kiss into her hair.

"Wait-" She mumbled as he stood up. "Grab me a shirt, please?" He grinned, but obliged nonetheless.

"I've seen it all already, Starlet." He smirked proudly, handing it over. She chuckled, blushing in embarrassment and shaking her head.

"Go get breakfast, idiot."


Draco was beaming by the time he got downstairs. He quickly asked a House Elf to prepare some breakfast. He sat at the kitchen counter, waiting patiently, a permanent genuine smile on his face.

"Good morning, Draco." His mother smiled kindly, laying a hand on his shoulder, causing him to flinch briefly.

"Morning mother." He smiled, picking up the breakfast-filled tray. "Have a nice day!" He ran up the stairs, carefully, opening the door of the bedroom, and joining her back in bed.

"How do you feel?" He questioned, taking a quick bite of the apple he brought upstairs with him.

"Amazing." She sighed contently, closing her eyes briefly. "Sore, but amazing." He chuckled, laying an arm around her and pulling her towards him.

"I didn't hurt you, right?" He eyed her worriedly for a second.

"No! No-not at all. You were perfect." She blushed madly, causing him to smirk.

"Glad I impressed, love." He laughed.

"You're an idiot." She rolled her eyes, scoffing.

"I'm your idiot though." He grinned, kissing her temple.


"I can't get close enough, Ryan." She sighed, not even bothering to whisper as she thought Draco was still showering anyway. "I have-...no!" The other voice was too muffled for him to fully understand what the conversation was about. The thing Draco wondered most was how in Salazar's name she was talking to another person- without them actually being in the room. "Never. Not if it endangers him. Fuck that! Potter is the bloody saviour, not me. I can do whatever the Hell I please."

After a few more minutes of bickering- Leah decided to end whatever she was doing, simply by muttering;

"Katherine Leah Nightingale, Fear Nothing."

"Okay would you mind telling me who the fuck this Ryan bloke is- and why you were talking to him? How were you even talking to him?" She looked extremely alarmed, quickly walking over to the chair, which had her clothes on them, pulling out a picture of her and Ryan.

"This is Ryan. A fellow Protector." She smiled gently.

He seemed less tense in an instant, but still raised an eyebrow.

"How-and why were you talking to her?"

"She's worried about me." She shrugs her shoulders. "I kinda left without a word three months ago, you know?" He nodded in understanding, scratching the back of his neck awkwardly.

"Right. Sorry for being so-"

"I get it." She giggles. "Besides, you're cute when you're jealous." She smirked.

"Cute?" He repeated tauntingly, pacing over to the bed, pinning her down. "I'll show you cute, Starlet."

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