{47} Family tree

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❝ wasn't she supposed to be killed? ❞

: 'Before the otherness came
And I knew its name
The love, the dark, the light, the flame'~hozier, as it was.

"Why are you here, Leah? And how in Godric's name did you find us?" He asked, sitting down, actions which she copied, a slight smile on her face.

"I- had a vision, of the Deathly Hallows. And a nagging feeling that I needed to tell you about the Elder Wand." She explained calmly. The Golden Trio exchanged looks with each other, before looking at her again. She felt a bit queasy with the entire situation.

"I-We already know." Harry replied awkwardly. Leah facepalmed and sighed.

"I came here for nothing. Great." She rolled her eyes, and continued to converse with the Trio about what had been going on. They told her of the Horcruxes- and what they'd been up to. Leah wasn't sure how she felt about truly being a 'part' of the group.

It put her at risk.

Big risk, at that. It was quite late in the night when they decided to head to bed. Somehow though- Ronald had managed to burn himself while turning off one of the fire-lit lamps.

She walked over to him, took ahold of his hand, and closed her eyes. Slowly, a beautiful, clear, soft blue light formed from her hands, and Ron Weasley felt the burn slowly subside to a mild throb, as coolness overtook the entire hurt he'd been feeling.

Harry and Hermione watched by in complete awe, as while she was chanting the unfamiliar word, her hair shifted colours, now resembling that of a light, soft blue sky.

"Edcèlnes." She muttered softly, scoffed and leaned back a bit, and her hair shifted right back to the deep auburn it always was.

She raised an eyebrow when she saw the Gryffindors look at her in absolute confusion. "What?" She snapped-frustrated with herself.

"W-What in the bloody hell?" Ron stuttered, and stepped back. She had absolutely no clue why everyone was staring at her weirdly. Harry looked just as confused as Weasley. While Hermione just glared at her, and Leah could see the wheels of her brain turning.

"Old English." Hermione stated, eyeing her in detail.

"Okay are you three pulling a damn prank on me or something? This isn't funny." Leah felt uncomfortable, and confused as fuck. She hadn't done anything out of the ordinary. Had she?

"We're not joking, Nightingale." Harry said coolly, as he realised she was getting uncomfortable.

"Element-based healing..." Hermione stated curiously, looking at her. "I've read about this before but...I've never met someone with the ability to. Can you try again?" Leah stood up, overwhelmed. She had no idea how she'd done it either. It was just impulse.

"I need a minute." She quickly paced out of the tent, and sat down outside, against the tree. She heard the Golden Trio bicker from outside, but she couldn't be bothered to listen. She just wanted to be a normal witch for once.

No wars.

No visions.

No odd healing powers.

No more oddness.

She felt a tear roll down her cheek, and suddenly, loads more followed. She buried her head in her knees and sniffled, rocking back and forth. What the hell was happening to her? She longed desperately for Draco, in that moment. She longed to just be in his arms. To have him hold her close, and tell her everything would be alright.

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