{9} It's For The Greater Good

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did umbrigde do that to you?

: 'god save the prom queen, only eighteen, turned her tears to diamonds in her crown.' ~molly kate kestner, prom queen.


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"MOTHER. Just out of utter curiosity. Where does our hatred towards mudbloods come from?" Draco and Narcissa were sat in the dining room, catching up while drinking some tea. Narcissa, a bit startled by her son's curiosity, smiled gently as she began to explain.

"Well...I'm not completely sure of your father's exact upbringing, but Bella and me were always told a story of Salazar Slytherin, and the true reason he didn't want mudbloods to attend the school." The boy looked at her, very eager to know why those awfully wrong prejudices were formed.

"As you know, Salazar Slytherin wished to be more selective of the students admitted to Hogwarts. He believed that magical learning should be kept within all magic families. In other words, families like your father's and mine. Not necessarily because he found the mudbloods incapable of performing magic, but simply because back in that time, muggles were aware of magic. Some pureblooded families were betrayed by mudbloods and burned at the stake in their village. Witch-hunting, if you will, was a very popular thing back then. He viewed the mudbloods as a threat to our society. The true, magic society. Over the long generations, the story was twisted and turned so many times that no one truly knows why Salazar Slytherin disliked mudbloods. Certain people used that to their advantage. Hence why your father for instance, absolutely despises them. I myself never found a reason to hate them though, other than the fact that they're clearly inferior to us, I don't believe there are any true issues." He looked at his mother in disbelief.

"You don't hate mudbloods?"

"I strongly dislike them, but the older I get, the more I realise that there truly isn't a real reason for me to dislike them. Somehow though, I can't let it go."

"Damn." He muttered under his breath, which was soon followed by a soft hit on the back of his head, as his mother scolded him.

"Language, Draco."

"Sorry mother..."


"Well...whenever I've fancied someone, it's like they're my world? I don't want to spend my time with anyone that isn't them? Because my time would be better spent with them? It's about seeing them happy. My biggest priority is seeing them happy." Unknowingly to Malfoy, Zabini hadn't described just fancying someone. He quoted a description of love that he'd stumbled upon in a book.

"Oh Salazar!" He was more mad than anything. Mad at himself. Mad at the world. And lastly, mad at her. Mad at her for doing this to him.

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