{6} Go Cry Somewhere Else

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my name...you called me by my name.

: 'and i'll use you as a warning sign, that if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind' ~amber run, i found.

♫ : 'and i'll use you as a warning sign, that if you talk enough sense then you'll lose your mind' ~amber run, i found

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AFTER a vision, she'd be disoriented for at least a few hours, a day at most. Which caused her to be glad at the fact that her visions didn't occur very often. Once every few months, usually. However, the pattern of her visions changed drastically after the first weeks of her fifth year. The sudden change in pattern didn't just worry her though, it also worried her Headmaster. Now, she was walking around the school like a lifeless creature, or as a muggle would say, a zombie, almost every other week. A rumour had spread that she was on drugs and quite frankly, she felt as if she was.

There were two people that worried about her. Truly worried about her.

Raven, who showed concern for her best friend in a way that no other did. She stayed with Leah during her day after the vision. She didn't ask what was going on, because she knew she wouldn't get an answer. All through their friendship, the damaged girl stayed secretive and closed off. She didn't care though, Leah would tell her when she was ready to and there's no use in forcing an answer out of someone.

Potter, who watched the girl he loved from a distance as he saw her bumping into people. Daydreaming and zoning out. He worried too, for her safety and well-being. He wished that he could be there for her, but he knew deep down that he blew any chance with her last year. Therefore choosing to stay silent and watch her from afar.


"How dare you look at me? Filthy muggle."

"A new mudblood to play with?"

"Can I curse her first, my lord?"

A deep voice, laced with authority silenced the others. As usual, she couldn't see anything but shadows, shadows which hid silhouettes.

"Very well Lucius. Go ahead." The voices became a bit clearer, but she still couldn't see what was happening. She felt two arms holding hers tightly in place behind her back. Quickly, an unbearable pain entered her system and it felt as if every bone in her body had suddenly been broken. As if her body was trying to turn itself inside out. She felt her flesh tear open as her blood seeped to the floor. Her body shuddering as she screamed out, but the pain didn't stop, it seemed to be continuing endlessly, as the eldest living Malfoy continued chanting the curse. She distantly heard someone shouting her name, shaking her body at an attempt to-

"-By Salazar! Wake up Leah! Please!" It was Raven. Next to her bed, shaking her body violently as a futile attempt at waking her up. Tears stood in her eyes from the horrible sight she'd just witnessed. The recently awoken girl slowly moved herself up, whimpering. Coughing violently into her hand, blood present on her palm as she opened it. A knock sounded from the other side of their door as a monotone voice followed.

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