{5} Trance

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i-i was cursed. an unforgivable one.
: 'and love is a ghost that the others can't see.'~agnes obel, familiär

"I DON'T get it!" He exclaimed, much to the dismay of the girl sitting next to him, who quickly muttered something under her breath as she sighed

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"I DON'T get it!" He exclaimed, much to the dismay of the girl sitting next to him, who quickly muttered something under her breath as she sighed.

"Have you read the paragraph the question is about, Malfoy?" The platinum haired boy awkwardly scratched his neck, shrugging his shoulders.

"Erm-no?" She facepalmed at this, groaning.

"Well then how in Salazar's name do you expect to understand the homework? Honestly.." She rubbed her temples as she sighed yet again. Hopeless..

To her surprise though, he actually grabbed his book and started reading. Truth be told, if the boy tried even just a little, he would pass. He didn't think Transfiguration was as easy as Potions, but it was not difficult either. She wasn't aware of that though.

She helped him to the best of her abilities, surprising Malfoy. Why was she helping him? It made no sense. Yet, he didn't complain. Just following her instructions, which he now knew always led to the right answer. They were close to finishing the assigned homework and Merlin, she was glad. She didn't want to spend a second more with the slimy git than she absolutely had to. She slowly started gathering her stuff until she felt a hand on hers, touching as they reached for the same quill. She pulled her hand back quickly, wincing at the pain she felt. The scars hadn't healed properly, due to the obvious lack of medical attention. She still hadn't told anyone of the events that took place during her detention with Umbridge.

Draco looked at her in a confused manner, letting his gaze fall down to the hand she had just pulled away. He couldn't see the entire sentence, but there were several words imprinted in the skin that covered the back of her hand. He gently reached out to grasp her clearly injured hand, speaking as she tried to refuse.

"You're hurt." He spoke softly. He had to try and show sympathy. It didn't prove to be very hard though. He gently moved her sleeve up, inspecting the sentence that was scarred into her skin.

I must not disrespect my superiors

She allowed it to happen. No longer refusing his attempt to help. His touch was more gentle than she had anticipated and she quickly found herself drawn to his grey eyes. They held shock, and mysteries that ran way deeper than she could've ever truly imagined. Was this the same Malfoy that had nicknamed her The misplaced Hufflepuff? She quickly snapped out of her sudden trance, pulling her hand from the gentle grasp that his cold hands provided. As she stood up abruptly, her chair making a scraping sound against the stone floor of the Transfiguration classroom, as she rushed out of it.

"No Nightingale!- Wait!-" He called after her, but to no avail, she was gone.

The pair viewed each other as a complete mystery. Both for a multitude of valid reasons.

Where did she get that scar? And who gave it to her? His mind was plagued with questions about the mysterious girl. Who had proved herself to be a lot more than just a nobody, by now. His kindness was just an act for his plan, and he truly had meant none of the remotely nice things he said to her during their tutoring session, but he felt weird. Almost...bad, for doing that to her. He shrugged the thought off as quickly as it popped up though. She was a mudblood. No need to feel any type of remorse. Not that he did in general, anyway.

Why was he so...different? Kind, almost? Was it all fake? She had never seen him like this. She caught him cracking a slight smile during her explanations. She didn't get it. She couldn't fathom the idea of him enjoying their tutoring session. She was a mudblood. She was inferior. That's what he told her during their entire time at Hogwarts. What had changed? Certainly not his morals, but he was acting odd. Out of character. He seemed to be trying his hardest to act...civil.


"It was totally weird. At one point I even felt as if he was just acting dumb. I don't get it, Raven." She spoke to her friend, smiling slightly, frowning.

"I don't know either, Leah. Maybe he's just stupid." She smirked, chuckling softly after. To which the other girl laughed before standing up, a proud look on her face as she allowed a grin onto her face, clearing her throat before she began speaking.

"My Father will hear about this!"

The pair of girls burst out laughing. The mood quickly turning into something a lot more cheery. Making fun of Malfoy always proved to be a great way to lift their spirits. The girls were still laughing by the time Theodore Nott came to join them on the couch where they were seated, in a corner of the common room.

"What are you two giggling about?" A grin plastered onto his face as he raised an eyebrow.

"Just Leah's impression of Malfoy." Raven replied casually, giggling softly still, using her hand to muffle the sound.

"Salazar. You two should be careful."

"Why? It's not as if he can bully me more than he already does." She winked at the male Slytherin, laughing afterwards.

"He still bullies you? I'll talk to him."

"Theo it's fine." She rolls her eyes. "I can deal with him, trust me. Besides, he hasn't really said anything to me lately." She shrugged her shoulders, simply brushing off the change in attitude that had occurred in the Malfoy boy.


She was by herself, in a secluded corner of the library, deeply invested in the book that lied in her lap. A smile on her face as she turned the pages. A calm aura present all around her as she focused on the star constellations printed in the book that she was reading. Studying the patterns, names and places of the stars.

He was by himself, not too far away from the corner of the library, deeply invested in a book he held up with his hands, a frown on his face as he turned the pages. A slight smile distantly present on his lips as he looked up from his book, admiring the girl that sat in the corner. Taking in her features as if they were words printed in a book. The way her dark brown hair fell gracefully on her shoulders, the way she slightly bit into her bottom lip when she was thinking and the way her smile slightly brightened whenever she skipped to the next page.


"Miss Nightingale?.." The old wizard across from her said, a slight hint of concern in his tone.

"What?-Why did you bring me here Headmaster?" She was confused and disoriented.

"What happened in your vision, Miss Nightingale?" He asked calmly, smiling warmly at the young girl as he offered her tea.

"I-I was cursed. An Unforgivable one."

"By who?"

"Lucius Malfoy."

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