{16} The Sight Of You

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she is as beautiful as you described.

: 'i guess that's what i get for wishful thinking, i should've never let you enter my door.' ~Rihanna, Rehab

SHE WAS WALKING ALONGSIDE HER SISTER, or well, the girl she considered her sister. Raven's parents were walking behind them, accompanying them to Diagon Alley. They had gotten almost everything they needed for the upcoming school year.

Richard Crawford, however, needed to visit a shop in Knockturn Alley, causing the Crawford family, (Leah included) to walk along the narrow dark alleys of the shopping street devoted to the Dark Arts. The two Slytherin girls were holding onto each other for support as they were being eyed by several...odd figures. Leah received a nudge from Raven, which caused her to look up.

His eyes had been lingering on her for a while now, it seemed. As his mother, who was stood next to him, tried dragging him away, only to find him resisting, wanting to get a better look at the girl he hadn't seen, or spoken too for the entirety of summer. She looked at the Platinum Haired Boy sorrowfully as his mother finally managed to successfully drag him into 'Borgin and Burke's'

Leah knew him. She had seen many sides of him but never had she seen him in a state like this one. She didn't really think that she would ever have to say it, but damn, he looked awful.

Almost restless. As if he hadn't slept in weeks.

Almost scrawny. As if he hadn't been eating.

Almost empty. As if something during the summer break had stripped him of everything he was.

"He looks awful, Rave." She looked at her best friend, who was also visibly startled by the change that had taken place in him.

"His dad was put in Azkaban, Leah. I'm sure we would react the same way if dad got put in Azkaban." Raven said, obviously trying to reassure her friend. After all, she too, could see that there was much more going on than just that.

She might've not been close with Draco herself, but from the things Leah shared about their...relationship. She figured she'd gathered enough intel to declare when he was acting out of character.

"Or maybe he's just taking your breakup even worse." She joked after she saw no reaction from Leah, who seemed to be lost in thoughts, her eyes slightly hazy. She felt Leah pull her arm as she sat down on a battered wooden bench, pulling Raven with her.

"Pretend to be talking to me." She murmured, a frown appearing on her face as her eyes were still glossed over, a strange tint of grey covering her usually deep brown orbs.

"But I am talking to you-" Raven quickly shut up as she continued to look at her friend, completely confused.

Leah, on the other hand, seemed dazed. Not present on earth, almost. After a good three minutes of silence between the girls, Leah closed her eyes and blinked for a few times, rubbing her eyes and driving a hand over her face. She opened her eyes, and Raven could no longer see the grey haze in them. They had returned to the auburn brown they always were.

"Bloody fucking Salazar." She heard her friend curse under her breath as she slowly pushed herself up from the bench, stumbling a bit.

"You can say that!" Raven exclaimed, quickly helping Leah stand. "What in Merlin's name was that, Leah?"

"A vision." She simply stated, taking a deep breath before sitting back down, rubbing her temples and sighing.

"A vision?!" Raven shrieked, looking at her in complete confusion. The dark cloaked strangers stared at the two girls creepily, some clearly interested.

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