{37} Tonight, we improvise

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you brought her here?! mother!

: 'why the fuck am I praying anyway?' ~Demi Lovato, Anyone

"This was a bad idea..." She muttered to herself as she geared up, making sure that her hair was out of the way. She wondered why she still felt such a strong need to protect him. He never loved her anyway. Or well, that's what the letter Draco left for her claimed.

Two months later, as she was close to leaving for her untimely death, was the first time she truly questioned it. The letter sent by Narcissa Malfoy could've easily been a decoy, or simply bait. But if what the letter said was true, and Draco was in danger, she wouldn't mind facing death.

Because no matter how fake his feelings, or love had been. Hers hadn't. She still loved him, regardless.

Him returning her feelings or not, didn't matter.

She loved him.

And she would do anything to protect him.

She sighed deeply when she walked into the night, putting her wand in its usual place, quickly adjusting her robes before apparating. And as she walked through the gates that led to Malfoy Manor, she realised that she should've thought her actions through. But hey, when in doubt, improvise.

"Look what the cat dragged in-" She stayed still in the firm grip of the male Death Eater- whoever he was. Her face was expressionless, and her hood still covered most of her face. "A Protector."

"To what do we owe this visit, dear?" Lucius Malfoy- Leah could've sworn she shivered at the sound of his voice. However, she straightened her posture almost as quick as she'd lost it in the first place, ripped her arm free and pulled off her hood.

"The Dark Lord wanted to see me, did he not?" She said coolly, a slight scowl on her face.

"Miss Nightingale. What a pleasure." He grinned smugly. "I shall call for the Lord. Draco is up in his room." She rolled her eyes as she scoffed. The two men who'd brought her into the home laughed at the Malfoy's remark. Though she couldn't really find it amusing.

Everyone knew.

She walked up the stairs swiftly, her purple cloak billowing gracefully, behind her. Without assistance, she found Draco's room. Her not-so-rare nightly visions had shown her the way. She almost knew it by heart.

She knocked on the door softly, sucking in a sharp breath before she opened the door.

Narcissa Malfoy sat at her son's bed, holding his hand comfortingly as she was talking. Leah's presence in the room was announced by a gasp. Draco looked more dishevelled than ever. He had bruises covering most of the skin that was on display. He was whimpering in pain, his eyes narrowed.

She closed the door behind her, and tentatively approached. Narcissa Malfoy, whom was more thankful than ever, stood up from her chair, meeting the girl in the middle. Draco's mother was emotional.

"You came. Thank you-I" She smiled gently. "Thank you, Leah."

Draco, however, was not as happy with the meeting.

"You brought her here?!" He bellowed-for as much as that was possible with his hoarse voice. "Mother!"

"Lay off her, Draco." Leah demanded, walking past his mother and to his bed, sighing.

"No. I tried so hard to make you hate me!"

"I know." She shook her head, sitting down on his bed, next to him. Carefully reaching out to touch the side of his face, making sure not to apply any unnecessary pressure to his bruises. "But it didn't work."

"I had it handled, Starlet." He insisted, looking at her, his voice gravelly.

"Shh.." She said softly, driving a hand through his hair. "It's alright."

"No. He's going to kill you- He is. You have to get out of here, Starlet. Please. Leave."

"And let you go through all of this?" She gestured towards his limp body, and shook her head. "I don't think so, Snowflake. Not in a million years." She whispered.

"Leah...please...I tried so hard to keep you out of this..." His tone was desperate. His gaze held something she thought it never would. Love. It made her heart swell. He did love her. And she deemed herself a fool for even thinking for a second, that he didn't.

"I'm involving myself, Draco." She stated simply, gently grasping his hand. "I can't allow you to do this to yourself for me. I'll take whatever they throw my way. I'll be okay." She muttered, leaning closer and gently kissing his forehead. He held onto her hand tightly as she tried to leave.

Narcissa smiled at the gesture as she kept her distance from the couple. She wished things were different too. They deserved so much more.

"Don't leave yet." He said softly, his voice small, more vulnerable. "Please. I don't want it to be the last time-"

"It won't be, Draco"

"Kiss me." He deadpanned, pulling her back towards him gently. "Please." She chuckled briefly, shaking her head and leaning down, placing a tender, gentle kiss onto his lips.

"I love you." She mumbled softly. "No matter what happens." He nodded in response.

"Always." He murmured back, a slight, pained smile on his face.


Her screams echoed off the walls.

And Draco Malfoy had never hated himself more.

Mother please!" He cried, his hands in his hair.

"No Draco. Enough. Come here.." Mrs.Malfoy replied, holding her distressed son close to her chest. "Shh.."

"Mother-" He sobbed, emotion overtook him completely. "-I love her."

"I know, dear. I know. It's okay.." Narcissa was truly at a loss of words. She had never seen her son like this. So...full of emotions. She caressed him to the best of her abilities.

"No it's not! She could be dying! They could be killing her!" He looked at his mother, the bags under his eyes seemingly worse because of the tears that were cascading down his cheeks. He hadn't been this broken since he lost Lyra. "I can't do this without her, mother. She's my home."

"The Dark Lord needs her to defeat Potter, Draco. He will keep her alive. Okay?" She tried to convince him. She wasn't sure if the girl would survive, but seeing her son in a state like this, made her determined to try and keep the girl out of harm's way.

The sounds stopped. Suddenly.

Heavy footsteps came up the stairs, stopping in front of the door that led into Draco's bedroom. The door was opened, and she fell to her knees, breathing heavily still.

Draco scurried over to her small frame, scooping her up into his arms, groaning softly at the pain it caused, but ignoring it. He carried her over to his bed and laid her down gently, before joining her.

He pulled the sheets over them, and gently closed his arms around her.

"I love you." He whispered shakily, leaning his forehead against hers. She nodded slightly, smiling a bit.

"He-" Her voice was hoarse. Broken. From screaming. "He wants to see us. Tomorrow." She whispered.

"I'll protect you, Starlet." He pulled her closer into his chest, stroking over her back.

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