{23} Visionary

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what did you just call me?

: 'where will you be waking up tomorrow morning?'~P!ATD, Miss Jackson

THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, New Orleans, Nightingale Manor, July 31, 1980

"I've seen it, Thomas." Andreah Nightingale, exhausted from what had just taken place, looked at her husband. He was cradling their new born, giving her a look of concern.

"You've seen what?"

"Her." She said, holding her arms open, a tired look still on her face. Tears filled her eyes as she gently took ahold of her daughter. "She's going to be so strong. And brave." The littlest Nightingale babbled happily at her mother's positive words. "She's going to find love..." She smiled widely at the newest addition to their family, holding her gently. "Yes you are."

Thomas Nightingale stood in front of the bed, closely watching his family. He swore there and then that no matter what, he would protect them.

He felt his left arm burn under his sleeve and judging by the look on his wife's face, she'd felt it too.

"What does he want, Thomas?" She questioned, fear lacing her tone.

"He's calling a meeting..." He stated, turning to leave.

"Stay." She whispered. "Ignore it. And stay with me. With Leah." Andreah was done being a pawn of the dark side. They had a family now, and family came first.


"In the first years of magical learning, magic was different than it is now. Ilvermorny and Hogwarts alike held a great variety of witches and wizards, who all carried great potential." He took a deep breath before he continued. "Most magical crafts, like legilimency for instance, weren't crafts back then. They weren't an art to be studied. People were gifted with them. Born Legilimens were rare, but they existed." He looked at her with urgency, a serious tone in his voice.

"I'm aware, sir. My parents. The Crawford's. They have me meet someone with a gift like my own. They're helping me control it."

"Really? That's amazing. You should thank them, Miss Nightingale."

"I have. And I will." She smiled gently, shifting uncomfortable in her chair. "Are we done here?" She questioned, hoping to leave as soon as possible.

"One very important fact to remember, is that because your gift is based on Legillimency, it is very vulnerable to it."

"Thank you, Professor."

"Miss Nightingale..I believe-"

She got up from her seat, turning around to leave quickly. "Bye Professor."

She quickly made her way out of the office, giving the boy that waited for her outside the office a quick glance before she stormed off, not in the mood for any company.

"Leah!-" He panted, struggling to keep up with her sudden rapid pace. "-Love! Wait!" He had managed to catch up with her, stepping in front of her quickly, causing her to walk into him.

"Draco get out of my way. Now." She almost growled, her eyes dark. He shook his head, muttering something under his breath, sighing, laying a hand on her cheek.

"What happened, Leah?" She quickly pushed him off, looking at him in disbelief, however, her eyes had softened the second they fixed onto his.

"We're in the middle of the corridors, Draco! People could see us." He groaned at her witty response. He hated being secretive, but it was the only way to truly prevent any conflicts. He took ahold of her hand gently, intertwining their fingers as he swiftly moved along the corridors, navigating his way to the dungeons, dragging her to the boys' dorms.

She closed the door behind them with the wave of her hand, sighing afterwards, sitting down on his bed, which she had grown to find familiar in the past few weeks.

"Starlet.." He started, using his self-made nickname for her as he crouched in front of her, sighing. "What's bothering you? What happened with-" Leah noticed him stopping briefly, as if realising something.

"-Dumbledore?" He swallowed briefly after he finished his question, looking up at her from where he sat.

"I told you not to call me that." She responded sarcastically, rolling her eyes as a small smile slowly crept onto her face.

"You can't stop me." He smirked, glad to see her smile a bit. She chuckled briefly at his remark.

"I would prefer not speaking on the manner, Snowflake." It was her turn to smirk now, as she observed the boy that still sat crouched in front of her, a scowl on his face. He nodded briefly, understanding her need to keep whatever she had found out to herself. He respected it, as she too had respected him whenever he didn't want to speak about certain manners.

"What did you just call me?" He questioned as he slowly got up from his crouched position, towering over her still, even after she had also stood up.

"Snowflake?.." She was a bit hesitant, her breath hitched in her throat as she observed him closely, a smirk plastered on his face. He leaned in slightly, as he had many times before in the past weeks, however the feeling never failed to enchant him. Somehow, he was always left yearning for her.


She was just doing her thing. Not really paying attention. Doodling away at the parchment in front of her, daydreaming a bit.

For some reason, Snape really started loathing her. He called her out for the stupidest stuff, or deliberately embarrassed her. For no reason, at all.

"Miss Nightingale!" A loud, drawn out voice called to her, snapping her out of her daze.

"Your uniform is too short." She looked up at her DADA Professor, unimpressed. If he wanted to be mad at her, she'd give him a reason to be.

"Oh thanks! The designer must've used your dick as inspiration." She smirked slightly, hearing snickers come from every side behind her. She looked up at Snape, who was seemingly still figuring out the joke.

"OUT!" He yelled, causing everyone to flinch. "Get out of my classroom! And do not return!" Leah simply nodded, calmly and slowly gathering her stuff, leaving the classroom. A smirk present on her face as she made her way through the halls. She ran into Professor McGonagall, who raised an eyebrow at her.

"Miss Nightingale. Don't you have a lesson?"

"Snape sent me out, Miss." McGonagall gasped at that, looking at her in disbelief.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing. He just got cross with me for no reason, I made a witty response to his nonsense and he sent me out." The Witch across from her gasped again, louder this time, stepping a bit closer.

"What did you say to him, Miss Nightingale." Her Professor demanded, a serious look on her face.

"Just-uhm-" She was a bit embarrassed. "A comment about him." Professor McGonagall narrowed her eyes briefly, before nodding.

"Very well. Off you go to your common room, then." Leah Nightingale nodded, stumbling over her own feet briefly before she fell to the floor, sitting on her knees as her eyes glossed over.

Minerva McGonagall rushed to the girl's side, a bit startled at her student's condition.

"Draco!-" She gasped out, collapsing to the floor completely as she felt an impeccably draining feeling, her body shuddering as it laid on the floor.


Her time in the hospital wing was brief, but very important. His lack of visits, was really the only important thing though. Her trust in the Platinum Haired Boy had started to weaken and it wouldn't stop until it was too late. Not that they knew that yet, though.

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