{13} The Perfect Storm

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oh fuck off malfoy.

: 'so, let's dance like two shadows, burning out a glory day' ~aquilo, silhouette

♫ : 'so, let's dance like two shadows, burning out a glory day' ~aquilo, silhouette

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THEY couldn't help it. The so-called attraction force, between them was too present to ignore. Leah, who had finished her exams a bit earlier than the rest of the class, was flat out admiring The Platinum Haired boy. Even meeting his gaze at times, which caused her to blush visibly and look away. She caught a note that had been shaped as a bird, that had flown towards her, praying silently that Umbridge hadn't seen.

'Meet me at our place. After Dinner.'

She nodded towards the Slytherin Prince, a bright smile covering her features. His smile wasn't as bright, in fact, it had a hint of sadness hidden in it, but she chose to try and ignore it.


"I said we couldn't and I meant it, Leah." He seemed a bit irritated and stressed. Which surprised her. She didn't mean to irritate him at all. He dragged her through the common room, which was still empty because dinner had just ended, taking her with him to the boys' dormitories.

"Draco where are we going?" She was a bit scared of what was about to happen. She had a gut feeling that he was trying to protect her again. She didn't want to be protected, she wanted to be loved. Fifteen is a young age to love at, but it was all she'd ever wanted.

"I want you to see something. When we first met. When I first approached you, it was for a plan I made. I still hated you back then, and I figured that if I got you to fall in love with me. It would break Potter's fragile heart." She stopped as he finished his sentence, looking at him in disbelief.

"So all of this was fake? Because if so you truly deserve an Oscar."

"At first, yes but then you started proving most of my prejudices to be wrong...what's an Oscar?" He gave her a look that showed true confusion, as he stepped into his dorm, closing the door behind them.

"How do you expect me to trust you after this?" She raised an eyebrow at the boy in front of her, clearly still a bit confused.

"I don't. That's why I'm showing you." He walked over to a desk that stood in the room, grabbing a roll of parchment off of it, handing it to her.

"So you want to deliberately push me out of your life?" She didn't really care that it had been fake at first. If it was still fake, he wouldn't be showing her this. She trusted him now and if that got her hurt, she was okay with it. She knew how to take care of herself. She opened the parchment, studying it for a few minutes;

Breaking Saint Potter's Heart
as written by Draco Malfoy
Step 1. Get close to the mudblood.
Step 2. Make her fall in love.
Step 3. Make Saint Potter jealous.
Step 4. Crush her heart. (And Potter's in the process)

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