{14} It's All My Fault

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i can't do this without her mother. she's my home.

: 'but now you're a stranger, some silhouette.' ~aquilo, silhouette

 "ARE you sure this is the place, Harry?" Leah asked as they stepped out of the elevator

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"ARE you sure this is the place, Harry?" Leah asked as they stepped out of the elevator.

"It should be here." He spoke, leading the group to the Hall of Prophecy. Leah watched in awe at the seemingly endless rows of prophecies. Was there one for her? They continued to walk a bit further, as Leah looked up, still admiring the blue prophecies that sat on the endless shelves. A voice snapped her out of her trance though, Longbottom's.

"Harry-" He said, his eyes fixated on one of the many luminously shining blue spheres. "-This one has your name on it." The-Boy-Who-Lived made his way to where Neville was standing, picking up the sphere and studying it.

"Harry perhaps you shouldn't-" Hermione interjected, but she was cut off by another voice. It was drawn out and deep. Distinctively creepy. She recognised it quickly and shuffled her way behind the others.

"Very good, Potter, now turn around, nice and calmly, and give that to me." Fear invaded her mind as she was now face to face with the wizard that was going to bring her unbearable pain in the future. A wizard whom was also, Draco's father.

Draco's father was a Death Eater.

Was Draco one too?

Was that the reason he didn't want to be with her?

She wasn't able to focus on the dialogue that took place between Harry, Lucius and a female Death Eater, who she now knew was Bellatrix Lestrange. She ran with her friends from the D.A, dodging the falling prophecies as the shelves started collapsing, setting off an endless chain, meanwhile also trying to deflect any curses that were thrown at them. She had found herself hidden together with the Golden Boy, behind a door, letting out a breath she didn't know she had been holding as they sealed it off, listening to what was happening on the other side of the door.

"Leave him, Nott-" Draco's father spoke coldly. She swore she felt her heart drop, as her breathing accelerated. Nott? Theo's father? Him too?

She followed Harry blindly, still too shocked from her recent discovery. Before she knew it, she saw an unfamiliar curse fly towards her and Hermione, and then, she saw nothing but black.


"Mother please!" He cried, his hands in his hair.

"No Draco. Enough. Come here.." Mrs.Malfoy replied, holding her distressed son close to her chest. Leah heard screams. Haunting screams. Her vision wasn't as blurred as it usually was. She could see clearly.

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