{52} Dreaming and grieving

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❝ don't. applaud when we've won. ❞

She had dragged him into the Astronomy Tower, closing the door quickly after them and looking at him.

"Why did you do that last night?" She raised an eyebrow at the startled boy in front of her, whom was looking at her in confusion.

"Because-I-Leah.." He had trouble forming a sentence. Was he going to be honest with her? Could he confess to her?

"Don't play with me, Malfoy."

"I'm sorry." He spoke quickly, his voice strong. "I thought that pushing you away was the safest thing to do." Merlin, he was mentally hexing himself. He kept his posture straight though, studying her face for any reaction.

"What?" She sassed, intrigued. Pushing her away? What was that supposed to mean?

"I didn't mean what I said. We just-We just got too close." He sighed softly, searching for the right words. "There could never be anything between us, so I tried pushing you away."

"So you mean to tell me that you, Draco Malfoy, The Slytherin Prince, fancy me?!"

"Yes. By Salazar." He chuckled briefly at her blunt statement. "But because of that, there can never be an us."

"And you just assumed that I fancied you too?" She smirked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"No-No! That's not what I meant-"

"Calm down Malfoy, it's okay." She giggled at his sudden alertness. "I just wanted to see you flustered."

"Bitch." He muttered under his breath, chuckling afterwards. "I was just trying to protect you? And myself, if I'm honest."

"Wouldn't have expected anything different. You're afraid of daddy dearest finding out?" He nodded slightly, noticeably still troubled about the whole situation.

"He could disown me and I just don't want to risk it? Plus, I don't want anything to happen to you. I don't know how far my father would go to...cover up his son's relationship with a muggleborn."

"Muggleborn?" She repeated him, a bit confused. He copied her confused look, smiling softly.

"Yes? That's what you are isn't it?" She chose at that moment not yet to tell the boy she liked of her possible heritage.

"I assume so...I'm just surprised you didn't call me a...you know." His grey eyes softened as he looked at the girl in front of him. He realised that he'd hurt her. He found himself somehow feeling bad about it. He found himself ready to go to incredible lengths to get her to forgive him.

He found himself scared of just this.

Of the lengths he was willing to go to for her. The two teenagers spoke for the rest of the day. Enjoying each other's company. They didn't speak on any more serious matters, deeming it unnecessary to ruin the good time they were having.


She was awoken by hands on her shoulders, gently shaking her.

"Leah?" Her deep brown eyes met his grey blue ones. Once again they were filled with worry. Worry for her. The pair of Slytherins had fallen asleep together in the Astronomy Tower, her head on his shoulder as his head rested on hers.

kalon ~ d.mحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن