{7} It's All Her Fault

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why do you do that?...pretend to be someone you're not.

: 'i don't need your games, game over. get me out of this rollercoaster.' ~duncan laurance, arcade

SHE STARED at the Golden Boy in disbelief

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SHE STARED at the Golden Boy in disbelief. He had just accused her of dating none other than Draco Malfoy. Salazar, she thought he was supposed to be smart. Apparently, Hermione had heard their exchange of apologies last Friday and told him about it. Not that it was any of his business though, why would he care if she was dating Malfoy? He had no right to tell her not to date him. Merlin, her and Potter weren't even civil.

"Potter please. I'm trying to sit here in peace." She rolled her eyes at the boy in front of her, shaking her head as she looked at him.

"You know that he's just using you right? He hates muggleborns." She was slowly beginning to get mad. How could he assume that she was dating the guy that bullied her for years? Did he really think she was that easy to trick? Salazar. She wasn't Parkinson.

She scoffed before she started speaking, her eyes darkening slightly. "Merlin Potter! Even if I was dating him, which I'm not, by the way, it wouldn't be any of your bloody business!" People had now started listening to the conversation. If the tension rose any higher, it would surely be a repeat of their fight last year and this time, no one wanted to miss it.

"Yes it would be! He's dangerous!"

"You. Are. Not. My. Saviour. Potter." The raven haired boy took a few steps back as she got up from the bench she was sitting on. "You might be everyone else's Golden Boy, but I do not require your saving. I'm not a damsel in distress, Potter. And even if I was, I would rather accept his help over yours." She smiled satisfied as she saw the shocked look on Potter's face, simply shrugging her shoulders and walking off, grinning as she saw Malfoy in the crowd that was watching the scene unfold. His jaw dropped and a sense of admiration in his eyes.


"He apologised?!"

"Yes! I know it's hard to believe. Merlin, I still don't believe it." She chuckled softly as she recalled the memory. "Then he went on to ask what was going on...why I had forgotten. He seemed so sincere. And gentle..." A smile had formed on her features as she continued chuckling.

"Oh please don't tell me you fancy bloody Malfoy!" She blinked a few times before looking at her friend. Raven thought that she fancied him?

"No. No. Ew. Never."

"It surely doesn't seem like that though Leah! After every single one of your tutoring sessions you spend half an hour swooning over everything nice he did." Raven smirked at her clearly oblivious friend.

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