{40} To insanity

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❝ what's a rocket? ❞

: 'and im gonna see my man, till I get satisfied.'~Soap&Skin, me and the devil.

"Can I be the one to get rid of the traitor, My Lord?" Bellatrix enquired, that sick, psycho smile on her face.

"No, Bella-While I admire your loyalty and bloodlust, I think we should leave this task to young Draco. Let's see if the youngest Malfoy knows any Unforgivables."

"I need to leave." She sat upright quickly, tripping over her own feet as she hurriedly rushed around the room, getting dressed and grabbing her stuff.

"Woah-" He called out, his voice thick with sleep. "What are you doing?"

"I need to leave."

"I'll come with you." He spoke quickly, more awake as he sat up.

"You can't. You have to stay." She faced him when he too had stood up. "It's the only way." Draco's brows furrowed in confusion, and he shook his head a few times.

"Where is all of this coming from all of a sudden?" He laid a hand on her cheek as she tried to turn away, and he saw the guilt in her eyes. "Unless you've been planning your departure.." She couldn't bring herself to meet his gaze again.

"I'm sorry..." She whispered, sighing afterwards.

"I understand." He smiled gently. "Promise me you'll be safe?" He took a deep breath. He knew there was nothing he could do to stop her. Leah was the most determined person he'd ever met.

"I'm always safe." She grinned cheekily. "You too, Snowflake."

"The Lord'll probably get angry at me." He muttered. "But if this is what you have to do, I'll deal with it." He smiled gently.

"He can't hurt you." She looked up at him. "Or your parents."


"Don't ask questions you don't want the answer to." She interjected.

"Fine." He rolled his eyes. "I love you- and I'll see you soon, right?"



"You heard me, didn't you? You heard me say the words. I. Don't. Love. You." He felt a crack in his walls when he finished that sentence. He felt his wall slowly begin to crumble as he tried to prepare himself for heartbreak. As he tried to prepare himself for breaking her heart. He had to.

"No! I think I know exactly what you were trying to say. You are just too much of a coward Draco Malfoy." She saw right through him and his posture changed. He realised that he had failed and so he gave in. He gave in to his emotions and desires.

"Leah, love, please let me.." He reached out to touch her, knowing that it could be the last time that he would be able to.

"No!-" She screamed out, looking at him. This time truly feeling betrayed by the boy. He had sworn on his love for her. Did she mean nothing to him? "-Don't you touch me!" She looked at him, angrily, scoffing. Rolling her eyes as she saw him turn around to face a wall.


"I feel like I'm going insane. Please tell me I'm not insane. Please." The tears in her eyes stayed at bay for a sheer second before they cascaded down her cheeks. Her whimpers extended to loud, sorrowful wails as he pulled her into his embrace.

"Shh, you're not insane." He whispered, holding her closely to his chest.

"I feel like it." She mumbled, pulling away from him. "I can't tell reality from visions anymore-Draco. I'm losing my fucking mind."

"You're going to be okay. I'm here." He gently laid his hand on her cheek, only to have her flinch away.

"What if that's not enough, Draco?" She looked up at him, hopeless. She was cracking under the immense pressure. And he wasn't sure if he could heal her after she shattered completely.

"It has to be."


"So-You're saying that, erm.." Harry adjusted his glasses, looking around a bit. "I need her to succeed?"

"You don't need her, but things would be easier." Hermione explained calmly.

"-Why?" Ron interfered, looking at her in confusion.

"Seriously! You two need to read more." She rolled her eyes. "Don't you know that prophecies can apply to more than one person?" She shook her head when she saw their confused expressions. "They will know power the Dark Lord does not." She quoted.

"But that means-"

"Yes, Harry. You're not the only Chosen One." She sighed, chuckling slightly.

"We have to find her." He stated seriously.

"She's at Malfoy Manor." Hermione deadpanned.


"How in the bloody hell do you know that? And say it so casually?"

"Seriously Ronald-" She rolled her eyes. "She left in the middle of the night, to 'protect someone who needs more protecting than Harry.'" She scoffed. "It's not rocket science, boys."

"What's a rocket?"


Severus Snape almost choked on his tea when Draco finished his sentence. Not once had there been a time where he had seen the youngest Malfoy wear his heart on his sleeve. This time though, he shamelessly declared his love for the girl he'd spent months trying to protect from all of this. And no matter the fact that he had failed at first, he was trying again, to protect her from the horrible pain and misery the Darkness brought.

"What?" He questioned, raising an eyebrow, his ever-present sneer slightly more prominent.

"Take Leah into hiding. Please." The Malfoy Boy was almost begging. His tone so desperate it made Severus wonder just how far he'd be willing to go for this girl.


"I know it's possible. You can hide her." He pleaded desperately. "She can't stay here. She'll lose her mind."

"That is not my concern, Draco." He saw how the young boy across from him tensed, his jaw clenching slightly.

"Please, Professor." He tried again-and Severus scowled internally when he found himself sympathising with the teen.

"Next outdoor mission. Volunteer to join. Make sure she does too. I'll get her to a safe house." He muttered lowly, but Draco seemed to have caught on quite well, and smiled slightly.

"Thank you, so much-really." He breathed out in surprise, his slight smile finally breaking through fully. He was visibly so relieved. Severus felt bad for the boy. He was so loving. It was just buried so deeply inside of him before.

"Don't." He protested. "I wish I would've protected the woman I loved on time-Draco."

"You've loved?" He questioned, baffled. Earning him a chuckle from his Potions Professor.

"Everyone loves, Draco. But love is sacrifice, and I've always been bad at that." He sighed. "Don't mess it up, alright?"

"I won't."

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