{28} His father's son

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is she pregnant or something? i swear-that'd be gold.

': 'don't do love, don't do friends, im only after success.' ~MARINA, Oh No!

"OH MY MERLIN! That is one piece of enthralling jewellery you got there, Leah." Emma Crawford exclaimed, taking her daughter's hand and admiring the ring that she'd received only nights before. Raven quickly made her way over, too admiring the ring.

"Holy shit!" She near-shouted, quickly granting a scowl and scoff from their mother as she scolded her.

"Language. Raven. Merlin.."

"But mom! Look at it! This must've cost like a thousand galleons!" Raven hadn't dropped the volume of her voice as she snatched Leah's hand away from her mother's grip and looked at the piece of jewellery in detail. Raising an eyebrow before she spoke. "Did Draco get you this?"

"Draco Malfoy?" Richard Crawford walked towards his family from where he had been standing moments before, too coming to watch exactly what all the fuss was about.

"Yes. Why do you ask?" Leah spoke up, finally, looking at him. She would jump to Draco's defence in an instant, if it was needed.

"I've had a few...encounters with his father at the Ministry. He isn't the most pleasant to be around. And of course, his past isn't the greatest either." He spoke with a sense of weariness that Leah didn't like. A look of disgust in his eyes that Leah was not happy about at all.

Leah didn't like the direction the conversation was going in.

She knew that Richard and Emma would do everything to protect her, but if she was honest, she did not want to find out just exactly how far they would go. She just prayed that they wouldn't forbid her from dating Draco.

"So what?" She snapped back, pulling her hand from her sister's grasp.

"Leah...perhaps you shouldn't be around the son of a Death Eater-" He started, but was quickly interrupted as Leah took in a sharp breath.

"You can't tell me who to love." Raven gasped at that, along with her parents. Who were honestly not expecting her to get so upset about just mentioning the boy, tried to take back their words as they heard her run up the stairs.

"Leah dear! Get back! We weren't-"

"Save it!" She shouted back, grabbing some parchment and a quill from her bag as she sat down at the desk that sat in the corner of her room. Letting out a sigh of frustration as she began writing, not bothering to listen into the conversation that was happening downstairs.


"Raven it is dangerous for her to be around him. You know that very well." Her mother scolded her as she sighed.

"Don't pretend that this is just for her, mom. Don't hide the fact that you hate the Malfoy's for an entirely different reason. Not just because of 'Order' business." Raven scoffed and shook her head.

"Keep quiet." Her father hissed. "Leah must be protected from all of this at all times, Raven. You know that."


He had gone home with Blaise for a few days. Helped him as he went through what Draco himself had gone through just months prior, teaching him the glamour charms necessary to hide it. He had briefly spoken to his mother, who was still insisting on meeting Leah some time. She wanted to get to know the girl that had conquered her son's heart.

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