{42} Fathers and sons

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❝ I love you, always.❞

: 'we'll be alright.'~Fine Line, Harry Styles

"We have a traitor in our midst. A weak, injured, cowardly traitor." His voice was laced with everything hateful, and she could've sworn that his icy gaze burned right through her. She was pushed towards the front of the room, and despite the pain in her leg, she was glad for the move, as finally she could lock eyes with him. "-You really thought you could run away, didn't you?" The Dark Lord had risen from his seat, now circling the teen girl, who was determined not to break in front of him. "Pathetic-" He spat angrily. "Just like your parents."

One of the Death Eaters behind them deliberately kicked at her injured leg, causing her to let out a yelp, and fall to the floor. She scoffed, and rolled her eyes, but got back on her feet. "And you call me pathetic." She sneered, looking into the direction she felt the kick from.

"Fierce. Like your mother. Don't you agree, Lucius?" She saw Draco's father stiffen, and nod. The only reply he could muster was a small 'Yes My Lord.'. Her eyes met Draco's again, and she saw how clenched his jaw was. He was fuming, and clearly having a very hard time restraining himself. "It's quite sad that we have to remove her child from the ranks too." The air in the room grew more tense. As both Draco and Narcissa Malfoy now had worried expressions gracing their features.

"My Lord-" Snape interrupted. Leah had to stop herself from gasping. "Perhaps just a disciplining will do. She's a powerful asset, and we have enough means to stimulate her loyalty."

"Severus! Always bright." He nodded, thinking for a bit- almost contemplating on what exactly to do. "Draco, come forward." She saw Draco gulp before he stood up, walking over to where they stood.

She was pushed on her knees, and she could not prevent the painful whimper that left her lips as her open wound met with the wooden floor. She felt blood ooze out of it, but decided against worrying about that right now. There were more pressing manners. Draco's face, for instance, which twisted in horror and sadness the more The Lord whispered to him. She frowned as Draco shakily rose his wand.

"Come on, Draco." The sick wizard encouraged. "You should be glad I'm allowing you to use an Unforgivable. Especially on traitor scum like her." He continued, and Leah noticed how his wand fell slightly. She shook her head and made eye contact with him. He looked at her in confusion, and she smiled slightly.

She knew what would happen to him if he didn't fulfil the Dark Lord's wishes. So she did the only thing she knew would help convince him. 'Do it.' She mouthed to him, as tears slowly formed in her brown eyes. 'I forgive you. Do it Draco.'

She closed her eyes, a stray tear rolling over her cheek as she took a deep breath, preparing for what was to come. Once the pain entered her system, she wished the incantation her lover spoke had been that of the killing curse.

Never had she felt such excruciating pain. The Cruciatus curse was meant for torture, and finally, she understood why. Not only did it feel like her body was trying to turn itself out, her mind seemed to fill with everything horrid as well. She could see why people went mental under the curse. It was awful. The last thing she saw was Draco fighting heavily against his father's hold. He tried to get to her. To help her. Tears stood in his eyes as well, but they didn't even come close to the amount she was shedding.

She heard distant screaming of Draco's name, and gut-wrenching sobs. She was too far gone to realise it was her own screaming and sobbing. And as everything slowly started to turn black, the biggest part of her wished for it to be her end.


Days passed, she thought. Or at least, it felt like a couple of days. Her sense of time was close to lost. The dark, cold dungeons didn't really show any sign of time, and it's not like there was a clock there, either. She hadn't eaten, or- been fed for all the time she'd spent down there.

The changes in Draco did make her question whether or not it had been way more than just a few days. He looked unhappier every single time. Mostly because she kept telling him to stay away. He'd be safer upstairs. If they caught him down here...she didn't know what would happen.

And she wasn't planning to find out.

"I-I got you this." His voice trembled as he handed over the plate, half of it filled with something that was undoubtedly his dinner. She, stubborn as always, tried to reject the offer, shaking her head.

"That's your dinner, Snowflake. You eat it." Her voice was weak. Constant torture tends to have that effect. However, she did not want to take Draco's meal. He was scrawny enough as it was.

"Please, Starlet. You need to eat. Please." He tried to insist, urging her to take the plate. She shook her head again, seeking support from the wall as she slowly stood up, whimpering at the mere pain the action caused her, taking a step closer and stretched her left arm briefly. Then, she stuck her scrawny pale hand, through the bars and placed it gently on his cheek, slightly flinching at the coolness of his porcelain skin.

"So do you, Snowflake. Go back upstairs before they see you. How many times have I told you not to come visit me, Draco? Do you want to get cursed like I do?" He leaned against her hand, sighing deeply, whispering something, so softly that she wouldn't have caught it had she not been paying the amount of attention she was.

"But I promised you I would protect you." It was her turn to sigh now, as she nodded, gently stroking over the skin of his cheek.

"And I'm telling you, to go upstairs and no longer seek me out. Pretend, Draco. You're safe up there. Don't let them suspect anything. Be strong."

"Why does this sound like a goodbye?" He asked carefully, his stormy grey eyes staring right into hers.

"Did you expect me to hang around forever?" She smirked slightly.

"No-" He became extremely alarmed in an instant. "Leah no. You can't. You'll get caught. And killed." She removed her hand from his cheek, shaking her head.

"I won't. Come find me when it's all over. I'll be there. I'll wait for you." He looked utterly dumbfounded, closing his eyes briefly, raising his voice slightly.

"Leah you don't understand-Starlet you can't.."

"You can't stop me, Snowflake."

"Ugh. Infuriating woman." He muttered under his breath, earning him a snicker from the girl that was locked up across from him. His girl.

"I love you." She whispered, soft, but audible. He nodded, a slight smile on his face as he pointed at her hand, where the ring he gifted her still was. They shared a last gaze, as he mouthed,


The big metal door shut closed as she sank back to the floor, against the wall, going over her plan one, last, time.

Summoning visions for herself was a draining activity. Let alone for a house full of Death Eaters.

Thought know did she not, that the Dark Lord knew of her plan.

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