{8} He Made A Terrible Mistake

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what in salazar's name is going on here? merlin.

: 'i'm do, re, mi, fa, so-fucking done with you boy.' ~blackbear, do re mi

"Because it's all I've ever known

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"Because it's all I've ever known." She heard him sigh softly while she was reaching out to grasp his wrist as he tried turning away, holding it in a tight grip. He was scared, so she tried her best to comfort him, like he had when she was scared.

"You don't have to leave every time you feel vulnerable, Draco." She looked into his eyes as he pulled his hand free.

"Nobody asked for your bloody opinion, you filthy little mudblood." She swore she felt time stop for a split second, her jaw dropping. Had he just said what she thought he said? Had he just gone ahead and called her that foul name? She had become numb to the word itself, but the way it was said and the fact that it was him who said it, made it more hurtful than it ever had been before. She was rendered completely speechless, just staring into his grey eyes for any sign of remorse, but she couldn't find it. She was sure that he meant what he said. She finally realised that she was right to be cautious about his odd behaviour. He was acting this entire time. He still hated her as much as he did before, but now, he actually knew things about her. He knew exactly what would break her. The girl had developed feelings for the boy. She was unsure of what they meant, but they were definitely there. Not even a necessarily romantic feeling...she just-she cared for the boy. Apparently though, he wasn't done breaking her. Not just yet.

"I have had about enough of you. I don't want your tutoring anymore. I'm done pretending to be civil with someone like you. I hate being around your kind. You disgust me."

Still, she just stood there. Not sad, not mad. Expressionless. He had unknowingly forced her walls back up. It was like every insult was another layer on top of the already high walls that guarded her shattered heart. She found herself no longer caring. She found herself right back at the start of the year. On the Hogwarts express, alone, in a compartment. Only this time, she was sitting against the wall of the Astronomy tower, her head buried in her knees, but still she had not shed a single tear. This time, she didn't feel lonely because she had no one, but because she'd had someone. Someone who left.


''You're not going to confront him?'' She simply shrugged her shoulders, a habit she had grown accustomed to in the past week. Much to the annoyance of her best friend.

"I have better things to do than confront someone who's not going to change their mind anyway." She sighed softly after she spoke, clearly a bit eager to change the subject. "Like studying for the O.W.L's, for instance."

"You're going to kill those exams, Leah. With or without studying."

"You flatter me, but I need to study just as much as anyone else." She chuckled softly, smiling at her. They discussed the exams and several other school things. Speaking of subjects and professors to pass the time.


"He's with her now, Raven. You know that."

"But he loves you."

"No. He doesn't. He loves his reputation and his money."

"You are so oblivious, Leah! You don't see the way he looks at you."

"No because I can't stand looking at him! He's a coward."

"He just wants you to be happy."

"No he doesn't. He knows better than anyone that my happiness is only true when I'm with him."


"Another nightmare?" Raven's voice was a bit hoarse, she had probably only been awake for a few minutes.

"No. It was different this time. It wasn't a bad dream. We were just talking-" She sat up a little more, driving a hand over her face. "-about someone."

"Who?" Her friend was curious now. For some reason, her mind drifted to Malfoy. Even though she knew it was stupid. He had been crystal clear about his feelings towards her two months ago, the last week before Christmas. Besides, from what was said in her vision, it was clear that whoever they were speaking of, was an ex. And Leah wouldn't date Malfoy. Ever.

"I don't know. You kept saying he loved me."

"Maybe it was Nott?" She felt her jaw drop as she looked at her best friend.

"What?! Me and Theo? Never. Oh no no no no. We're friends." Raven laughed briefly before responding.

"Damn. I don't think he knows that, Leah." She shook her head quickly, muttering profanities under her breath.

"Oh Merlin don't tell me he likes me." Her friend awkwardly smiled, shrugging her shoulders.

"He might've slipped something..?"

"Raven! You've got to be kidding me!"

"Why don't you just give it a chance?"

"I don't know.."


"I'm pretty sure you heard me, Nott."

"Why do you give a damn, Malfoy? You hate her. So surely you shouldn't care about her love life!" Draco had heard of Nott's crush on Nightingale and he didn't like it. Nott's family was just as...tied up as his was. He didn't want that for the girl he considered a friend.

"I don't. All I'm saying, is that you'll regret it if you date her."

"We'll make you regret it." Zabini added, he knew about Draco's feelings for the girl. Or well, he had figured out that he cared for her. Choosing not to inquire his best friend on the topic.

Draco was never one to speak about feelings.

"What in Salazar's name is going on here? Merlin." Draco looked up down in surprise as he recognised the voice immediately. He felt heat rise to his neck as he realised that she'd basically caught him red handed.

"Malfoy, over here, is telling me not to ask you out." He saw her eyes widen slightly before she narrowed them, looking at him, scowling.

"Is he now? Hm? Are you?" He felt humiliated by her, but he didn't really mind. He couldn't stay mad at her anyway.

"Break it up guys! Come on! No fighting!" The Hufflepuff Prefect quickly made his way through the crowd, placing himself in between the two Slytherin boys, whom were still glaring daggers at each other. She too was giving Malfoy a deadly glare as she grabbed Nott's arm, dragging him away from the scene quickly.


"She can't date him! She just can't!"

"Malfoy...why can't she?" Zabini looked at his obviously frustrated friend in a curious manner. Just what had Malfoy's wand in such a knot?

"Because-" He sighed groaning briefly. "-Because she can't."

"That's not a valid reason, you know? You don't own the mudblood."

"I know that. It's just. Ugh!" He didn't want to admit it to himself. There was nothing to admit to himself. Right? Or was there? He kept struggling with himself, until he made a terrible mistake. He admitted it to Zabini.

"What's it like to fancy someone, Blaise?"

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